... to go with the big single turbo.
I'd like to make up for the lack of low end torque on this setup with an Eaton or other smaller supercharger. Something that will still fit under the hood scoop. I enjoy going off-script a bit with my builds and getting into areas that other people shy away from. I would like some advice, though if anyone has some input. Physically, I'm sure with some massaging and fabrication I can make everything fit. The primary concern I have is would the supercharger actually become a restriction in the upper RPMs, where the big turbo will really shine?
Ultimately I doubt I'll stick with the single turbo by itself because I don't enjoy turbo lag. It currently has a single Precision 7675. (yes George I know you have 2)
To tackle this lag, I'm either going to 1) add an Eaton 2) smaller 6675 turbo, or 3) ditch the turbo completely and go with a KB or Whipple and hope I can keep the Mach 1 hood.
All comments welcome. Whichever direction I go I'll have a build thread.