Handloading some .223/5.56. I got a good deal on some Superformance powder so I picked up a pound to give it a try. (EDIT - i have load data for other calibers I load, but not this one) According to the burn charts it has a lower burn rate than what I've used in the past (H335, Benchmark, Varget). In terms of burn speed, the charts I've found show from fast to slow its: Benchmark > H335 > Varget > Superformance. Load tables for the bullet weight I plan to use (60gr.) show the following "starter loads":
Benchmark: 21.5gr., 2770 ft/s, 39,700CUP
H335: 22.0gr., 2801 ft/s, 42,400CUP
Varget: 24.0gr., 2784 ft/s, 39,200CUP
The numbers to me make sense, in that the slower burning powder needs a little more for the same velocity (roughly) with lower pressures. So, I was thinking a safe starting load all things being equal would be 24.5 grains of Superformance which (based on the marketing hype of the powder) should give me around 2800-2900ft/s and a pressure 40,000-41,000CUP range.
So, has anyone else used this powder? Does this seem like a reasonable load? What's your formula?