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Thread: Handloaders - Advice for Superformance Powder

  1. #1
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Handloaders - Advice for Superformance Powder

    Handloading some .223/5.56. I got a good deal on some Superformance powder so I picked up a pound to give it a try. (EDIT - i have load data for other calibers I load, but not this one) According to the burn charts it has a lower burn rate than what I've used in the past (H335, Benchmark, Varget). In terms of burn speed, the charts I've found show from fast to slow its: Benchmark > H335 > Varget > Superformance. Load tables for the bullet weight I plan to use (60gr.) show the following "starter loads":

    Benchmark: 21.5gr., 2770 ft/s, 39,700CUP
    H335: 22.0gr., 2801 ft/s, 42,400CUP
    Varget: 24.0gr., 2784 ft/s, 39,200CUP

    The numbers to me make sense, in that the slower burning powder needs a little more for the same velocity (roughly) with lower pressures. So, I was thinking a safe starting load all things being equal would be 24.5 grains of Superformance which (based on the marketing hype of the powder) should give me around 2800-2900ft/s and a pressure 40,000-41,000CUP range.

    So, has anyone else used this powder? Does this seem like a reasonable load? What's your formula?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dan B.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Armagh, PA
    Never worked with that powder but your line of thinking is correct. I used to do a lot of scheming when helping some wildcatters develope load data for new cartridges.
    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    Ahh fuque
    1985 Ranger--2WD, basic bolt-ons and tires, 11.92 @ 111mph.

    1986 Ranger--2WD, 5.0/T5/8.8.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Dan B.'s Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    Armagh, PA
    Never worked with that powder but your line of thinking is correct. I used to do a lot of scheming when helping some wildcatters develope load data for new cartridges.

    Ive shot a LOT of varget through a .223. You may run out of capacity before hitting max. Especially with heavier bullets.
    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    Ahh fuque
    1985 Ranger--2WD, basic bolt-ons and tires, 11.92 @ 111mph.

    1986 Ranger--2WD, 5.0/T5/8.8.

  4. #4
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    I really like Varget too. My AR really likes it in combination with Hornady brass, CCI No 41 and Hornady Varmint 50gr. SP. But there are other combinations that work really well too and I like to experiment. Thanks for confirming my theory on the load.


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