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Thread: removed plasti-dip OMG that sucked

  1. #1
    Senior Member Cam99's Avatar
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    removed plasti-dip OMG that sucked

    The Zl1 has the optional silver/polished wheels, but the previous owner was a plasti dip junkie and they were dipped. The dip got a little bitched up when the car was strapped down for shipping so i touched it up just to make it look presentable. Took on the job of stripping them down yesterday. Tried peeling it. Not happening. Went online and checked for easy ways to remove. Ended up using shit tons of WD-40, high pressure, most of my fingernails, and many microfiber towels. I had about 3 hours in it yesterday, and about 2 today. Holy hell it sucked. Still a little piece here and there, but I'm calling it done for now.
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  2. #2
    25 in the 1/4 SlowSix's Avatar
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    I've never had issue.... you have to put it on pretty heavy for it to peel nice though.

    Just a little 500 whp V6

  3. #3
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    Sucks to hear it was such a Bee-Yotch to remove. I never saw that stuff where it didn't come off relatively easily. Car looks good though - but not as sinister without the black wheels.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Cam99's Avatar
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    This was definitely not applied properly. It came off in little tiny pieces, no peeling occured lol. I agree these cars look better with the black wheels, but I can live with these. Funny is these were the cost upgrade optional wheels, but I think the standard black wheels were nicer

  5. #5
    If you use a can per wheel it will peel easy I put that shit on thick for easy removal...

  6. #6
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Dude, you should have called me. I'm like 10 miles from you... tops and I was looking for a BS reason to get out of the office yesterday. Oh, I wasn't gonna do anything, but I could have pointed and laughed while you worked. LOLOLOL !!!

    I think the silver deals look better.
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  7. #7
    Banned George C's Avatar
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    When i did my subie wheels...shit removed like tint, huge sheets but also used 3 cans for 4 wheels

  8. #8
    Senior Member Monkeygrits's Avatar
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    Use goo gone and let it soak on there. The stuff that was sprayed too thin that comes off in little pieces will wipe right off.
    Last edited by Monkeygrits; 05-21-2016 at 02:24 PM.

  9. #9
    13 SECOND FRANK turbo83coupe's Avatar
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    When I bought my TDI, the whole car was dipped and the whole car was done VERY lightly. You could see silver coming through the black in some places it was that light... It was a nightmare. I did the whole wd40 and tire shine with a microfiber and I worked on it for DAYS. Ended up having GREAT success with wd40 and a pressure washer. Tore the stuff right off like nothing. Wish I would have thought of it sooner...
    1983 TurboCoupe-- T3, 3" exhaust, front mount, 8.8, LA3, cam -- 13.44@98mph
    1973 F250 highboy-- 300/np435/np205 60f/60r 38's
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Cam99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    Dude, you should have called me. I'm like 10 miles from you... tops and I was looking for a BS reason to get out of the office yesterday. Oh, I wasn't gonna do anything, but I could have pointed and laughed while you worked. LOLOLOL !!!

    I think the silver deals look better.
    Thats exactly what I needed for that job, pointing and laughing. LOl
    Quote Originally Posted by turbo83coupe View Post
    When I bought my TDI, the whole car was dipped and the whole car was done VERY lightly. You could see silver coming through the black in some places it was that light... It was a nightmare. I did the whole wd40 and tire shine with a microfiber and I worked on it for DAYS. Ended up having GREAT success with wd40 and a pressure washer. Tore the stuff right off like nothing. Wish I would have thought of it sooner...
    Thats what was a real bitch. Drug my pressure washer out, had to screw around to get it running, then after all that the damn thing didn't make any pressure when I squeezed the trigger!

  11. #11
    Senior Member Dan B.'s Avatar
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    I drove by the other day.............glad I didn't bother stopping!
    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    Ahh fuque
    1985 Ranger--2WD, basic bolt-ons and tires, 11.92 @ 111mph.

    1986 Ranger--2WD, 5.0/T5/8.8.


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