Daddy Dave will have Goliath 2.0 at Keystone Saturday, match racing Larry Larson in his S10. It's all street cars this Saturday, too.
Daddy Dave, from Discovery Channel’s Street Outlaws, will be here with Hot Rod Drag Week’s Legendary Larry Larson on Saturday, July 2. Daddy Dave will match race his Goliath 2.0 against Larry’s S10, while mingling with the fans all day. Gates open at 2pm, with Daddy Dave and Larry starting to sign autographs at 3pm. There will be a street car cruise that will leave the track at 3:30PM for a 25 mile car cruise. Details will be provided before the cruise. Saturday night street drags with Test N Tune/Grudge Racing starts at 5PM till midnight Daddy Dave and Larry will make exhibition passes at 7PM and 9:30PM with fireworks after. Pricing:
Race $25
Spectator/Crew $20
Carload (4 or more) $60
Kids 10 and under free!