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Thread: ***Rescheduled*** SCMC Fall Track Rental - Sunday November 6, 2016

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  1. #1
    The BOSS GOT SVT's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Cranberry Twp PA

    ***Rescheduled*** SCMC Fall Track Rental - Sunday November 6, 2016

    We are having a private track rental at Keystone Raceway Park

    Rescheduled Date
    Date: Sunday November 6, 2016

    Time: 11 am to 4 pm, Gates will open at 10 am

    Location: KRP -

    Facebook Event Page:

    Same deal as last time as far as costs and # of cars to make this happen

    Cost: $65 cash/check or $67 via paypal

    Options for payment:

    #1. Send $67 via paypal to me at

    #2. PM me that you will be coming and send a check for $65 to

    SCMC or Steel City Muscle Cars
    P.O. Box 2525
    Cranberry Twp PA 16066

    Refunds will be issued if the event is cancelled for any reason

    Paid Registrations:

    1. GOT SVT - in
    2. PaxtonShelby - in
    3. cstunkard - in
    4. Mason - in
    5. Vince - in
    6. Ted Z - in
    7. Jay W - in
    8. sutyak - out - refunded
    9. wick - in
    10. Stangman701 - out - refunded
    11. TGP500 - in
    12. rrjjpp74 - in
    13. John4cam - out - refunded
    14. Venumous - out - refunded
    15. Cam99 - in
    16. Harry B - in
    17. Bobbybenzamg - in
    18. Burntire - in
    19. talontsiawd91 - out - refunded
    20. Andy Thorn - in
    21. Ricky Nichols - out - refunded
    22. Rick Nichols - out - refunded
    23. Colton Hurley - in
    24. Michael Hurley - out - refunded
    25. Mario Rivera - in
    26. Phil - out - refunded
    27. Robbie - out - refunded
    28. Adam - in
    29. talondave - out - refunded
    30. somethingclever - in
    31. Dustin F - out - refunded
    32. Robert W- in
    33. 2011fiveliter - in
    34. Bernie B - in
    35. Bill K - in
    36. yeahloh95 - in
    37. 97Laserred - in
    38. Pure Stock - in
    39. TooFast98Cobra - in
    40. Dan R - in
    41. mach1mush - in
    42. travj31 - out - refunded
    43. Brian M - in
    44. John O - in
    45. Big Al - in
    46. Richard N - in
    47. Justin D - in
    48. Eric B - out - refunded
    49. Robert W - in
    50. Dan C - in
    51. Jess P - in
    52. Danny T - in
    53. Rusty Hook - in
    54. Matt F
    55. black 94 - in
    56. Martin 0660 - in
    57. SlowSix - out - refunded - in
    58. Bob M - out - refunded
    59. Shawn U - in
    60. 2010CamaroSS - in
    61. mustang50lx - in
    62. William W - in
    63. William T - out - refunded
    64. roush08 - out - refunded
    65. Amwells1 - in
    66. Kirk M - out - refunded
    67. Kirk M - out - refunded
    68. Tim P - out - refunded
    70. John C - in
    71. Jim J - in
    72. Jim J - in
    73. Justin H - out - refunded
    74. Andy P - in
    75. Don S - in
    76. Wanaraceme - in
    77. Carl F - in
    78. caspergt - in
    79. Ricci C - in
    80. Bobby S - in
    81. Kevin F - in
    82. Erin F - in
    83. Turbo Dan - in
    84. John K - in
    85. Omar C - in
    86. Steve R - in
    87. Chris M - in
    88. 00blackss - in
    89. Matt Fa - in
    90. Larry W - in
    91. Kevin S - in
    92. Shannon F - in
    93. Prok - in
    94. Sean S - in
    95. SK360 - in
    96. Adam O - in
    97. Gary E - in
    98. Sean S Sr - in
    Last edited by GOT SVT; 12-05-2016 at 10:44 AM.
    Current Stable
    2013 School Bus Yellow Boss 302
    1993 Red Cobra

    Previous Stable
    2012 White Mustang-Traded
    2004 Competition Orange Terminator - Sold
    2003 Black Cobra-Traded
    1998 Black Cobra-Traded
    1991 White 5.0 Conv-Sold
    1986 Purple 5.0 Trunk-Sold to Psycho 5.0


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