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Thread: 2017 Keystone schedule

  1. #1

    2017 Keystone schedule

    More info to come on some events, as noted.

    2017 Schedule - subject to change

    SSS = Summit Super Series
    SBRA = Southern Bracket Racing Association

    February 28, deadline to renew pitspots for 2017 season
    March 3, deadline to purchasetickets for the 2016 season/Keystone Raceway Hall of Fame banquet at ColtonHall
    March 6, Pit parking opens
    March 11, 2016 season/KeystoneRaceway Hall of Fame banquet at Colton Hall
    March 26, Racers meeting, New Alexandria Fireman’s Club, 1pm
    April 1, Opening Day! Test NTune. Gates open at 11am, racing from noon-6pm.
    April 8, Test N Tune. Chassiscertifications (appointment required). Gates open at 11am, racing from noon-6pm.
    April 15, EVENT #1 - Test N Tune.Gates open at 11am, racing from noon-6pm.
    April 15, EVENT #2 - Street cartest and tune, racing 7pm-11pm
    April 21, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    April 22, SSS Points Day #1, SBRAPoints Day #1. 1/8 mile Bracket Racing. Gates open 11am, junior dragsters atnoon, big car time trials start at 3pm
    April 28, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    April 29, SSS Points Day #2. 1/4mile Bracket Racing, plus Bud’s Auto Nostalgia Stock/Super Stock comboeliminator. Gates open 11am, TCR at noon, junior dragsters follow, big car timetrials start at 3pm
    May 5, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    May 6, SSS Points Day #3, SBRAPoints Day #2, 1/8 mile Bracket Racing. Gates open 11am, TCR at noon, juniordragsters follow, big car time trials start at 3pm
    May 12, Test N Tune plus Bud’sAuto Nostalgia Stock/Super Stock combo eliminator. Gates open at 6:00pm, racingfrom 7:00pm-midnight
    May 13, SSS Points Day #4. 1/4 mile Bracket Racing. Gates open 11am, TCRat noon, junior dragsters follow, big car time trials start at 3pm

    May 19, SSS Points Day #5. 1/8mile Bracket Racing. Gates open 6pm, 1 time trial session at 7pm, eliminationsfollow
    May 20, EVENT #1 - Test N Tune. Gates open at 11am, racing from noon-5pm.
    May 20, EVENT #2 - Street car test and tune, racing 6pm-midnight
    May 26, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    May 27, Keystone Flashback!Details to come!
    June 2, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    June 3, EVENT #1 - Test N Tune. Gates open at 11am, racing from noon-5pm.
    June 3, EVENT #2 - Street car test and tune, racing 6pm-midnight
    June 9, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    June 10, SSS Points Day #6, 1/8mile Bracket Racing. Gates open 11am, junior dragsters at noon, big car timetrials start at 3pm
    June 16, BGR Championship Series,Mopars versus all
    June 17, BGR Championship Series, Mopars versus all
    June 18, BGR Championship Series, Mopars versus all
    June 23, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    June 24, SSS Points Day #7, SBRAPoints Day #3, 1/8 mile Regular Racing. Gates open 11am, junior dragsters atnoon, big car time trials start at 3pm
    June 25, Z&M Cycles show& shine, plus grudge racing. Details to come.
    June 30, SSS Points Day #8, 1/4 mile Bracket Racing, plus Bud’s AutoNostalgia Stock/Super Stock combo eliminator. Gates open 6pm, 1 time trialsession at 7pm, eliminations follow
    July 1, King of Street! StreetCar take over with car cruise, details to come
    July 2, SSS Points Day #9, ¼mile Bracket Racing. Gates open 11am, all time trials start at noon.
    July 6, Test N Tune. Gates open5:30pm, racing from 6:30pm-10:30pm
    July 7-9, IHRA Summit SportsmanNational Event
    July 14, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    July 15, SSS Points Day #10, 1/4mile Bracket Racing, plus Bud’s Auto Nostalgia Stock/Super Stock comboeliminator. Gates open 11am, junior dragsters at noon, big car time trialsstart at 3pm
    July 21, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    July 22, SSS Points Day #11, SBRApoints day #4. 1/8 mile Bracket Racing. Gates open 11am, junior dragsters atnoon, big car time trials start at 3pm
    July 27, Test N Tune, open toall, slick/drag radial tire cars only. Gates open 5:00pm, racing from6:00pm-10:00pm
    July 28-July 30, CARS Protection Plus 660Top Bulb Nationals
    August 4, TestN Tune. Gates open at 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    August 5-6, 660 Junior DragsterNationals, details to come
    August 11, Test N Tune, Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    August 12, SSS Points Day #12, SBRApoints day #5. 1/8 mile Bracket Racing. Gates open 11am, junior dragsters atnoon, big car time trials start at 3pm
    August 18, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    August 19, EVENT #1 - Diesel Showand Shine, details to come
    August 19, EVENT #2 – Saturday NightStreet Drags. Gates open 5pm, racing 6pm-midnight
    August 20, K&L Motorsports VWClassic #8, all VW car show, swap meet, and drag racing.
    August 25, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    August 26, SSS Points Day #13, 1/4mile Bracket Racing with bonus money. NIGHT OF FIRE! Gates open 11am, juniordragsters at noon, big car time trials start at 3pm
    September 1, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    September 2, SSS Points Day #14, SBRApoints day #6. 1/8 mile Regular Racing. Gates open 11am, junior dragsters atnoon, big car time trials start at 3pm
    September 8, TestN Tune. Gates open at 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    September 9, SSS Points Day #15, 1/8mile Regular Racing. Gates open 11am, junior dragsters at noon, big car timetrials start at 3pm
    September 13-17, IHRA Division 3 North Stars Summit Team Finals
    September 22, Test N Tune. Gates openat 6:00pm, racing from 7:00pm-midnight
    September 23, 8th Annual GISAutomotive PID/Keystone Nostalgia Nationals. Celebrating Keystone’s 50thanniversary! See flyer for details.
    September 24, 8th Annual GISAutomotive PID/Keystone Nostalgia Nationals. Celebrating Keystone’s 50thanniversary! See flyer for details.
    September 30, EVENT #1 - Test N Tune. Gates open at 11am, racing from noon-5pm.
    September 30, EVENT #2 - Street car test and tune, racing 6pm-midnight
    October 6-8, Ghosts, Goblins, andGearheads
    October 14, Test N Tune, gates open11am, racing from noon to 5pm. Weather Permitting.
    October 12-15, SBRA bracket finals atMason Dixon Dragway
    October 21, Allsquad presentsGrudgement Day. Gates open 1pm, test and tune 2pm-7pm
    October 28, Test N Tune, gates open11am, racing from noon to 5pm. Weather Permitting.
    November 4, Test N Tune, gates open11am, racing from noon to 5pm. Weather Permitting.
    November 11, Test N Tune, gates open11am, racing from noon to 5pm. Weather Permitting.
    November 18, 6th Annual GobbleFest,Gates open 11am, first race at noon. Lunch at 1:30pm, second race follows
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  2. #2
    New class in the Saturday bracket racing program:

    Novice class replaces Trophy: Trophy class is now Millerstown Pic A Part Novice class. Footbrake only, car must be driven in (no trailered cars), DOT tires and exhaust required, 11.50 (1/4 mile, 7.35 in the 1/8 mile) and slower. Racers who have won a class or an event previously, at any track, are not eligible. $15 to enter, winner and runner up get trophies, no buyback/reentry. Racers spouses/significant others/crew get free entry into the class with paid crew admission.
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  3. #3
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Greensburg, PA
    Interesting ...

    Is the shift to a lot of 1/8th mile race dates driven by the SBRA?

    I hope the Novice class works out, good concept. Interesting the 11.50 ET break, did they also change street to 11.50 or still 12.00?

    Looks like an action packed season, will be interested to see details of the July 1st race.
    Bob Myers ©

    84 Capri RS Turbo -Best 1/8th - 6.24@109, Best 1/4 - 9.82@136...Still only a 4 banger

  4. #4
    25 in the 1/4 SlowSix's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Street car night.... You guys giving out stickers lol?

    Just a little 500 whp V6

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2016
    I raced a couple times last year. First time in over 30 years. Life got in my way. Kids now grown, wife says she likes to see me have fun and likes it when I stay away for a whole day. What's up with that? So I'm a little rusty. What is the difference between test and tune and street car test and tune? I ran a couple test and tunes and the fall track rental. Also the flashlight drags, I like these, lots of runs and pretty cheap. Hoping to race a lot this year and not break anything. But new drag radials and more power may mess with my plans.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin0660 View Post
    Interesting ...

    Is the shift to a lot of 1/8th mile race dates driven by the SBRA?
    The shift to 1/8th mile is a mix of the 2 bracket finals - both IHRA and SBRA are 1/8 - and most bracket racing on this side of the country is moving to 1/8.

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin0660 View Post
    Interesting ...

    I hope the Novice class works out, good concept. Interesting the 11.50 ET break, did they also change street to 11.50 or still 12.00?
    The Novice class is to give newbies to bracket racing a VERY affordable entry level class with their street cars. The 11.50 break is because so many Mustangs, Camaros, etc, can easily be tweaked into the 11s. Novice is a KRP class only. Street is contested at the bracket finals, and IHRA sets the ET break, so it remains at 12.00 and up.
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by SlowSix View Post
    Street car night.... You guys giving out stickers lol?
    Yes, 100mph club, 125mph club, 150mph club, and 175mph club stickers are on Saturday Night Street Drags only.
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by hemi14 View Post
    I raced a couple times last year. First time in over 30 years. Life got in my way. Kids now grown, wife says she likes to see me have fun and likes it when I stay away for a whole day. What's up with that? So I'm a little rusty. What is the difference between test and tune and street car test and tune? I ran a couple test and tunes and the fall track rental. Also the flashlight drags, I like these, lots of runs and pretty cheap. Hoping to race a lot this year and not break anything. But new drag radials and more power may mess with my plans.
    Test and tune is open to everything - drag cars and bikes, street cars and bikes, junior dragsters, quads. Saturday Night Street Drags are for street cars and bikes only. Trailered in, slicks, and open headers are allowed.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    Anybody else counting down the days to the first test n tune ??????

  10. #10
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    Not sure I'll be ready for the first day, but definitely looking forward to running this summer.

  11. #11
    it's soo-tack sutyak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by travj31 View Post
    Not sure I'll be ready for the first day, but definitely looking forward to running this summer.
    Same here. Have some house remodeling to do, but will make a track rental a priority, as long as it's not on the same day as my other races.
    '04 Mach 1. Built. Turbo. 667whp/631wtq
    '06 Focus. Built. Turbo. WMI. 12.43 @ 115 (sold)
    '03 Mach 1 : 12.61 @ 106.59 (sold)
    he's into that, that spiritual stuff. <><

  12. #12
    I'll feel better when my heap is back together, but looking forward to another full season.
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  13. #13
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CobraII View Post
    I'll feel better when my heap is back together
    NMRA is this weekend in Bradenton, and at least on paper Mason Dixon opens tomorrow .... I was hoping one of those would get me motivated to get to work ... not looking good so far. I cant believe how bad my motivation has been this winter.
    Bob Myers ©

    84 Capri RS Turbo -Best 1/8th - 6.24@109, Best 1/4 - 9.82@136...Still only a 4 banger

  14. #14
    Senior Member Ares's Avatar
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    Man I am so itching to go racing again. With that said I still dislike 1/8 mile.
    2012 Ram 2500 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, leveled, 35" tires
    2004 Mustang GT - Comp Orange/5speed Best 1/4 11.94@113.64, 1/8 7.59@89.48, 1.57 60' - Best 60' 1.51, just a NA 2v

  15. #15
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ares View Post
    Man I am so itching to go racing again. With that said I still dislike 1/8 mile.
    I'm unsure how I'm going to like 1/8 mile as well. Going to dabble this season in points so don't have much of a choice but to try it out. Friends that have bracket raced for years seem to like it so it may just be something you have to try and get used to.

  16. #16
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin0660 View Post
    NMRA is this weekend in Bradenton, and at least on paper Mason Dixon opens tomorrow .... I was hoping one of those would get me motivated to get to work ... not looking good so far. I cant believe how bad my motivation has been this winter.
    1 Monte SS. White.

    Banned dates
    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  17. #17
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Perhaps that will help your motivation.
    1 Monte SS. White.

    Banned dates
    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  18. #18
    25 in the 1/4 SlowSix's Avatar
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    Hoping to be ready for the first Street car night.

    Just a little 500 whp V6

  19. #19
    Senior Member casper gt's Avatar
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    Glad the track is here but with that said, 1/8 mi stuff is no fun for most street type cars IMO.

    I like some of the index and no prep things other tracks are doing though.
    2014 301a GT a6
    5c circle d conv, 3.31's, kooks l/t's & orh, stock intake, bmr susp

  20. #20
    For competition, 1/8 mile will be coming in more and more. For test and tune, it will always be 1/4 mile. Most street type cars don't seem to like bracket racing anyway, though I think the new Novice class is a great introduction to bracket racing.
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    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part


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