Well we put a SQ-V2 on my 92 gt everything worked good car ran fine but the check engine light would come on around 4500rpm and also when i was down reving. We had stock injectors in it with a stock meter (all stock except S-trim), so upgraded to a used 75mm pro m meter and 24lb accel injectors. Now the car runs great no check engine light above 4500rpm or when im down reving however when i go to pull out from a stop sign or red light just plain normal driving the car wants to spit and sputter around almost stalling (it also occurs in 5th gear when im lightly on the throttle cruising down the road). I put the stock meter back on and the problem goes away but the check engine light still comes on same as before.
fuel pressure is around 38-40psi i tried to lower it a little that did'nt help then i raised it a little and that did'nt help either.
anyone know what my problem could be or what i might want to try next?? new meter, computer, injectors???
we also unhooked the TPS and the problem continued
thanks for your time.