call me with your needs 814 944 1500
call me with your needs 814 944 1500
the ford emblems from the front + back of the car, let me know if you got em, and/or the door hinges (top and bottom) of the drivers door
the top has a small hole and the trans after i pulled it was a 4cyl tran.
how small is a small hole? is it black you got a pic?
top is black..i didn't notice the hole until i was told it was there and shown to me. I'd tell ya how small it is but i don't really remember exactly. ( im his son im just trying to help a little bit )
Where are you located in PA?
and is your name by any chance Brian?
Last edited by Black87GT; 05-17-2007 at 12:37 AM.
is it a hatch or notch?
looking for the bottom trim piece off the back window on notch. Also (cant think of the name) little plastic vent thing where wiperblades are. i've been up since 4 am lol
sorry missed that