Well, Ratt Fink spent the weekend racin' ! Hard ta believe, right ?!
Made a couple passes on 9-1 at Houston Raceway Park, but the track was just not there. Here is the in-car vid of the 1st pass, where she shook the tires loose at the hit, but came through with a 10.22. The 2nd pass had the car coming loose when we hit 4th gear, not fun with a bit of humidity having settled on the track.
1st pass on 9-1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwll-Opnknc
On 9-2, we raced in the Clash of the Titans at San Antonio Raceway, with poor results. The two passes had 60 fts at 1.51 and 1.58, where the car pulled the wheels up, but lost traction about 40 ft out, due to it being 97 degrees hot and the track bleeding oil. No vids.
On 9-3, it was back out to HRP !! First pass in the left lane gave the same loose-at-the-top-end results and a 10.31 ET as happened on 9-1. The 2nd pass, she hooked up for a 10.037 @ 137, where Ratt Fink did the best the ole man could do to break the camera !
2nd pass on 9-3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prsUYyU_hZU
Well, we had planned to run a 9.xx this past weekend, but alas, it was not to be. Oh well, we get to try again !![]()