Need some help here. I cant for the life of me figure it out. My '89 GT has the nastiest vibration you could ever imagine. What is going on is at around 45 or so it starts. It gets so bad that you cant see out of the mirrors. Now, its comming from the rear. It all started from a U-joint change. I changed driveshafts and still have the same thing. I have tried different combo's with the driveshafts. It was marked and put back on the right way. I measured the U-joints and they are withen .003 from side to side. I shut the car down while going down the highway and its still there, that eliminated the motor. I re-built the trans last weekend and put a new tailshaft bushing in. That helped a tiny bit but its still there. I pulled the wheels and drums off and started it. Still there. Its something in the rear. Any ideas? I am thinking the only thing left is the axles or something in the rear. A question I also have is can I run it with the axles out and just the carrier in? There are no noises at all. I cant for the life of me figure this out. I did put solid motor mounts in...but it was fine until the U-joint swap. Even after swapping different driveshafts in its still there. So that rules out the joints.