1 Monte SS. White.
Banned dates
There are more but that's all that was logged!!!
I agree with leaving out the fact that you would be leaving early if you get this job during the interview process. An interview is just a oppertunity to showcase what you can do for your prospective employer. That's all they want to hear from the people they are interviewing, basically who is bringing the most to the table. I am not suggesting you bail out on your coaching job, but that is something to work out after you get the job. You and your family have to come before anyone else and that includes kids you may be coaching, so if it came down to a job that betters your familys life that might mean you couldn't coach, any reasonable person involved with the team would understand that you have to make hard decisions sometimes. Just put your best foot forward during an interview, that's all I'm saying, because everyone else before and after you is.
ahhh well so i fvcked up again....not like anyone here is suprised. :)
well contrary to thoughts here...i just got the job offer today.
Last edited by Troll; 09-04-2007 at 12:21 PM.
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