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Thread: 95 GT fuel/air problems

  1. #1
    Senior Member 95DropTop's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Gibsonia, PA

    Question 95 GT fuel/air problems

    Hi all. I am new to this forum and to Mustangs and could use some advice if somone would be so kind.

    I just bought a 1995 5sp convertible GT that was a dealer trade. I do not know the complete history of the car but I am speculating that it is running lean at WOT under engine load. It pings pretty bad under strain.

    The previous owner seems to have added all kinds of parts like K&N air box, headers and exhaust but doubt that adjusted fuel to air ratios after the breather parts were installed.

    My questions are:

    1. How can I tell if he chipped the ECU? Do I have to open up the computer to look inside or will I see something hanging off of it somehow? I am considering a dyno-tune but wanted to see if the thing had been chipped first.

    2. Does anyone think that an adjustable fuel pressure regulator would help me to increase fuel to air ratio? I hate to just add parts blindly and turn knobs but I am kind of at a loss as to where to start. I am not even sure what the stock fuel pressure is on this car.

    Any help or advice on where to start with this is most appreciated!

  2. #2
    KB 2.6 custom fabbed
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Southern California
    You need to have a wide band o2 sensor to see what the deal is. You don't always need to "chip" a car after mods especially when it is mass air. Your mass air meter will tell your computor that your getting more air than usual and it will adjust fuel and timing accordingly. We have a wide band 02 at our shop, and we could probobly help you out a great deal with solving your problems.

  3. #3
    Senior Member 95DropTop's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Gibsonia, PA
    Excellent. I found some other posts and now realize that you work at Domination Chassis. I will give your shop a call and schedule something.

    Thanks! -Vince.

  4. #4
    KB 2.6 custom fabbed
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Southern California
    sounds good. 412-999-1910

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