having problems figuring out what wrong with my 5.0, changed he fuel pum and TFI with no luck so far, does anyone know where i can rent/borrow a code reader so i can figure this problem out
having problems figuring out what wrong with my 5.0, changed he fuel pum and TFI with no luck so far, does anyone know where i can rent/borrow a code reader so i can figure this problem out
autozone rents them
what year is your 5.0? if 94-95 the autozone will work...if not your SOL
edit - also they only pull something if you're throwing a CEL
whats the problem...someone on here might have ran into the same thing at one time or another
its a '92 gt, it started cutting out and buckin then completly shutting off, but then it would start right back up again. Then eventually it wouldnt run at all. So i put i new TFI in no luck, then this past sunday i put a new fuel pump in, no luck. the car will fire right up but then bog out and in die within 20 seconds, if i keep the rpms up it seems like it will stay running forever but as soon as i get off the gas it dies....... anymore suggestion would be helpful
things to try that are easy- clean maf sensor w/ some electrical cleaner, check vacuum hoses, pull the IAC motor off and clean it out, check tps sensor
did, did, done, haha ive checked everything over and over and over again, this sucks........ code reader anyone???
Guess you have a check engine light on? I bought a code scanner at autozone think it was like $30. Check this link http://www.steelcitystangs.com/forum...ead.php?t=2369
My collection:
01 cobra in pieces
02 dodge cummins
sorry, i just realized what Jared meant by CEL, oooops, nio the check engine light isnt on, im kind lost now, might be a head gasket or a leak in the intake..the car only has 65,000 on it, guess that doesnt really matter
pull the plugs and see what they look like it sounds like it might be getting way to much ful maybe fp reg went out or something
ok, ill check tomorrow, i kinda thought the oppostie like it wasnt getting fuel, i didnt get a new kirban fp reg with that fuel pump i put in, just havnt gottne time to install it yet....ill check the plugs in the am. What are some signs of to much fuel?
they will be black and possible wet depending on how rich it was.
If you put a bigger fuel pump in, you probably gonna need adj regulator anyway.
My collection:
01 cobra in pieces
02 dodge cummins
i did get a fpr just havnt put it in yet, and yes still the 19# injectors
So when you keep your foot on the gas, it stays running? If thats the case, it sounds like you have a bad IAC motor/valve. Thats the part that hangs off the side on the throttle body and looks like a cylinder. It controls your idle. If you are running rich, your plugs would be char black. I doubt thats the case. More than likely your IAC is bad or plugged up. One or the other. If its not throwing a code, its possibly plugged up. Remove it and check the passages that go into the intake. Check the timing also while you are there. Spout out it should read about 10*. Thats the stock setting.
1 Monte SS. White.
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Also, if the car sits alot, which it sounds like it does, check the wiring for mouse nibbles. You could have a mouse or mice eating away at the harness. Mice love engine harnesses.![]()
1 Monte SS. White.
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thanks wick, ill check that im the AM, u might be on to something with this mouse things also..........i did find an old wasp nest tucked up next to my fuel filter!!!
1 Monte SS. White.
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