heres my rant
today going up broadway i see a early 90s blazer swerve i assume looking for parking spot. well the truck keeps going and just stops and deciedes to put it in reverse, this dumbass bitch didnt see me in my car behind her. [first off who the **** just puts a truck in reverse when on main street of a town?] bitch backs right into the front of my car. im ****ing yelling and she keeps going. i get out yelling and she gets out, i state i want your info, she gives me a song and a dance and says ill just give you 500 bucks for what its worth, im like its more then that. I say i want your info, she trys to get in the truck to leave im like your not leaving to i get info. now there were ppl seeing her do this. theres a few low lives that hang out in front of a store right across from where she stopped and put it in reverse. i found out the last name of hers is a known druggie family. well she goes to me well my husband just got a check for 30k he has enought to fix it. im like i want you info. she writes her name, address and FAKE Phone number down, i thought she wrote her insurance and etc down. but by the time i looked over the info she had got into her truck and flew the coupe. during this time her reasons were, 1st i didnt see you, 2nd my kid was bouncing around which distracted me, 3rd i was awaiting for the person to pull out.......first off i didnt see a kid in the truck, second no reason to back up on main road in town, 3rd your a ****ing crack head that didnt have insurance and now thinking you got away with shit. well i got a police report. talked to officer he got me the husbands cell number...i call it, turns out ot be shut off. so tomorrow officer will go visit them, ill get my estimate tomorrow and see the damage figures. dumbass ****ing white trash ghetto drug accatict bitch. officer said if they dont pay take them to civil court, i might especially since she took off and bitch i know for sure doesnt have insurance. i hope they can come up with close to 1500 bucks cash
ok rant off.......