Found this site a couple months ago when reading something on another board. Lurked around a bit and figured i would register. I have an 02 gt with a long list of mods.
Motor: Modular Powerhouse 302 stroker, MPH Stage 2.5 heads, MPH custom ground blower cams, KB 2.2, Ford GT fuel pumps and driver, fuel rails, tko 500, and some other supporting mods.
Int: Cerullo race seats, rsd, 6 pt roll bar, and host of autometer gauges
Ext: Cobra hood, roush front bumper, saleen s281 3pc wing, black dd bullitts.
Susp: FRPP C springs, steeda adj uca, steeda weight jacker lowers, sub frame connectors, cobra brakes.
We also have an 06 v6 that is my wifes car. It has all the GT body parts, brakes, Stainless works LT headers along with a their own x pipe with hi flow cats mated up to a pair of gt mufflers, C&L cai and sct tune.
I'll post up a couple pics later.