How wise or unwise would it be to run a 125 wet N20 kit without a pro.tune? I figure I can run colder plugs and pull the timing back. Any sugestions?
On your Notch you will be fine as long as you have it jetted correctly and a 255 pump to go along with the colder plugs.
make sure your fuel pump is up to par, back off the timing to about 10* and have fun. i had the notch setup for 125. i was going to set timign at 10* and toss in a 255 and that was it.
nos states 2degrees for every 50 hp of 5 degrees will do, nx states 3-4degrees for every 50hp...definitally colder plugs to be safe, what heads??
2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!