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Thread: SAFETY Rules & Regs...

  1. #1
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    SAFETY Rules & Regs...

    i'll admit that the nhra and ihra rules can be very annoying at times and in some ways a little overkill in more ways than one. however, this video serves as a good reminder of what could happen to anyone on here racing anywhere at any time.
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  2. #2
    Not Bad for 367 SAE RWHP Pure Stock's Avatar
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    There is a lot of shit that can go bad real quick in this sport. When the adrenalin is flowin' I often forget about the tremendous risk and danger that accompanies a 1/4 mile hit. Double checking and even triple checking my race car from nose to tail alleviates some of the *what if's*
    2011 Mustang GT, MT-82, 3.73's :

    BONE STOCK 12.223@115.18

  3. #3
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    well said, my point exactly!!! to take it another step further, this is why i had my roll bar installed by Rigid Race Cars. im not trying to imply that i couldn't have got the same quality work locally, i just chose them because at the time i felt most comfortable with them. they have a great reputation and i have seen there work in person at various nmra races, other events, etc. i wont put a price tag on my safety and i know that my roll bar would have done it's job in the event of an unfortunate accident. with that said, i have seen some roll bars that were an absolute joke. i guess my point is if you want to throw your money away on junk parts, piss poor combo etc...thats one thing. don't penny pinch in regards to your safety, especially with a half ass in-experienced "chassis builder"
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  4. #4
    Not Bad for 367 SAE RWHP Pure Stock's Avatar
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    This is a great thread. I'd like to add a couple of other key points when speaking of safety.

    First off, the responsibilty of safety falls squarely on the owner of vehicle. Whether your running 14's or 8's in the quarter common sense, familiarity with your car and an awareness of potential dangers that exist in motorsports needs to be examined. Relying on the "tech guy" is not enough. With that being said I'd like to present a visual checklist that anyone can employ to help reduce the risks of dangers associated with drag racing.

    1. Check condition of tires, psi. (equalization)
    2. Secured battery (something often overlooked)
    3. Visual check under the hood for any type of fluid leak
    4. brakes in good working order
    5. remove loose articles inside the car
    6. driveshaft safety loop for RWD cars running 13.99 or quicker with slicks
    7. hood latched securely
    8. windows closed during 1/4 mile run
    9. familiarize yourself with the location of the starting line/ finish line, return road, time slip booth, staging lanes, etc.
    10. Wear the appropriate clothing per NHRA/IHRA rule book.
    11. Understand and utilize the safety equipment for your level of performance.

    I'm sure I've omitted some other important factors/considerations, feel free to add them.
    2011 Mustang GT, MT-82, 3.73's :

    BONE STOCK 12.223@115.18

  5. #5
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack Speed View Post
    i'll admit that the nhra and ihra rules can be very annoying at times and in some ways a little overkill in more ways than one. however, this video serves as a good reminder of what could happen to anyone on here racing anywhere at any time.
    as upset as I'm sure he was about his car he is really lucky. great thread guys.

  6. #6
    I have been around RACE cars almost all my life and grew up in the early 60's when we were just learning about safety. We ran cars in t-shirts with the sleeves rolled up and smokes in our mouths. Some of my cars did not have seat belts at the time, but we ran them anyway. I have watched Louie run with what I think are loose belts, and have told him to pull them a little more tighter and I hope he listened. I have watched the people at the PRP mostly in the street class that have no idea what the hell they are doing let alone think what might happen if they blow a tire or just lose it at maybe 100 mph. Mike and Joe have it right ON!!! The same goes for you guys that street race in a street car, know your car and be ready for the moment when that car tests YOU!!!

  7. #7
    Banned. shawnsvtcobra's Avatar
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    That was bad, glad he made it out ok,

  8. #8
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by racefan View Post
    I have been around RACE cars almost all my life and grew up in theearly 60's when we were just learning about safety. We ran cars in t-shirts with the sleeves rolled up and smokes in our mouths. Some of my cars did not have seat belts at the time, but we ran them anyway. I have watched Louie run with what I think are loose belts, and have told him to pull them a little more tighter and I hope he listened. I have watched the people at the PRP mostly in the street class that have no idea what the hell they are doing let alone think what might happen if they blow a tire or just lose it at maybe 100 mph. Mike and Joe have it right ON!!! The same goes for you guys that street race in a street car, know your car and be ready for the moment when that car tests YOU!!!
    wow, I guess the main difference is how cars are built now. you get hit in a new car today and it seems to crumble around you. the older cars could take a hit or two! Still, nothing beats playing it safe. not worth the risk of losing a life. as much as we love them, in the end they are only cars and its our friends and family that matter the most.

  9. #9
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pure Stock View Post
    Relying on the "tech guy" is not enough.
    sure isn't!!! when i watched that video i immediately said to my self...."what if that was PRP" how fast would they have got to me???

    you cant rely on the tech, other track personnel and especially the OTHER DRIVER. there are way to many clowns behind the wheel at every drag strip, street race, have to be ready for your self. every day that i ride my harley i keep my eyes pealed for the most loved & hated animal on the planet and the jack ass in the other vehicle...i do the same at the track.

    prp isn't the only track with a "lick and stick" tech-in. i just hope shit like that doesn't bring down the sport and close the tracks...
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  10. #10
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by racefan View Post
    I have been around RACE cars almost all my life and grew up in the early 60's when we were just learning about safety. We ran cars in t-shirts with the sleeves rolled up and smokes in our mouths. Some of my cars did not have seat belts at the time, but we ran them anyway. I have watched Louie run with what I think are loose belts, and have told him to pull them a little more tighter and I hope he listened. I have watched the people at the PRP mostly in the street class that have no idea what the hell they are doing let alone think what might happen if they blow a tire or just lose it at maybe 100 mph. Mike and Joe have it right ON!!! The same goes for you guys that street race in a street car, know your car and be ready for the moment when that car tests YOU!!!
    things sure have come a long way war dog!!! it's for the better and the good of the sport, it doesn't take the fun out of it...just make it a little more expensive.
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  11. #11
    Member BoneCrusher's Avatar
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    Great thread dude. Joe that's a great list too man, definitely stuff on there I would forget to check over.

  12. #12
    Member fin1's Avatar
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    I was at FFW@Norwalk this weekend and this happened. Safety is key.

    PowerHouse Turbo:
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  13. #13
    Senior Member 383taman's Avatar
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    I dont know the what looked like steam not smoke on the right hand side of the car would have told me not to run it.
    89 Mustang (stock) DD
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  14. #14
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    i only watched the video once but it looked like he stayed in it hard...way too late. i also noticed the smoke, steam etc at the starting something was going wrong. stuff like that is hard to notice all bundled up and strapped in the car...thats where a good crew comes in...ouch
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  15. #15
    Thats just what I was talking about!!!!!! Can be anyone anywhere,,,,,

  16. #16
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    yes sir
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
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  17. #17
    Big Daddy gmkillr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by racefan View Post
    Thats just what I was talking about!!!!!! Can be anyone anywhere,,,,,

    Thats why im so against street racing in any way shape or form!!
    Atleast at the race track your in a somwhat controlled enviorment.
    Corvette Z06

    Growing up.............Not everyone does it!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Pure Stock View Post
    This is a great thread. I'd like to add a couple of other key points when speaking of safety.

    First off, the responsibilty of safety falls squarely on the owner of vehicle. Whether your running 14's or 8's in the quarter common sense, familiarity with your car and an awareness of potential dangers that exist in motorsports needs to be examined. Relying on the "tech guy" is not enough. With that being said I'd like to present a visual checklist that anyone can employ to help reduce the risks of dangers associated with drag racing.

    1. Check condition of tires, psi. (equalization)
    2. Secured battery (something often overlooked)
    3. Visual check under the hood for any type of fluid leak
    4. brakes in good working order
    5. remove loose articles inside the car
    6. driveshaft safety loop for RWD cars running 13.99 or quicker with slicks
    7. hood latched securely
    8. windows closed during 1/4 mile run
    9. familiarize yourself with the location of the starting line/ finish line, return road, time slip booth, staging lanes, etc.
    10. Wear the appropriate clothing per NHRA/IHRA rule book.
    11. Understand and utilize the safety equipment for your level of performance.

    I'm sure I've omitted some other important factors/considerations, feel free to add them.
    Sorry I'm late to the thread... it's a good one, and I wanted to add a couple things.
    Make sure your belts are in good shape, no cuts, fraying, etc. You don't want to hit something to find the weak spot.
    Consider wearing a helmet, even if you're not 13.99 or quicker. Things can happen in the 17s like in the 7s.
    Think about the helmet you get. Most people go for an M rated... me incluided. My next one will be SA or SN rated. Do some research on to find out the differences to chose the one that's right for you. Not my quote, but I like it... if you have a 5 cent head, get a 5 cent helmet.
    That quote works for other stuff too... you get what you pay for.
    Limit the amount of rubber fuel line you use, if you use any.
    if you run a fuel cell, ground it.
    Carry a fire extinguisher, but secure it, because you don't want it flying around if you do hit something.
    If you get out of shape or spin badly during a run, LIFT. First time trial or fianl round, LIFT.

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