Originally Posted by
Pure Stock
This is a great thread. I'd like to add a couple of other key points when speaking of safety.
First off, the responsibilty of safety falls squarely on the owner of vehicle. Whether your running 14's or 8's in the quarter common sense, familiarity with your car and an awareness of potential dangers that exist in motorsports needs to be examined. Relying on the "tech guy" is not enough. With that being said I'd like to present a visual checklist that anyone can employ to help reduce the risks of dangers associated with drag racing.
1. Check condition of tires, psi. (equalization)
2. Secured battery (something often overlooked)
3. Visual check under the hood for any type of fluid leak
4. brakes in good working order
5. remove loose articles inside the car
6. driveshaft safety loop for RWD cars running 13.99 or quicker with slicks
7. hood latched securely
8. windows closed during 1/4 mile run
9. familiarize yourself with the location of the starting line/ finish line, return road, time slip booth, staging lanes, etc.
10. Wear the appropriate clothing per NHRA/IHRA rule book.
11. Understand and utilize the safety equipment for your level of performance.
I'm sure I've omitted some other important factors/considerations, feel free to add them.