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Thread: 04 bolt-ons

  1. #1
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    04 bolt-ons

    i'm sure this has been discussed before but just want some different opinions on this issue...

    i have basically a stock 04 gt with a 5spd. i want to change the gears and i'm not sure what i should go with. i'm leaning towards 3:70's over 4:10's but just thought id see what you guys think. this car will never be a race car and will only have limited bolt-ons. if anyone has 3:70's in a rather stock 99-04, i'd love to hear what you have to say (positive or negative).

    also what exhaust gives the best sound and performance... I love the slp loudmouth sound but does it give you comparable performance to a flowmaster or etc...?

    promise this is the last one... what is the best over-all cold-air kit. want something that is easy to install that doesn't requiring drilling and so forth and also that gives the best performance gains.

    any other "minor" bolt-on suggestions for the 99-04's is appreciated... throttle body, tunes, etc...


  2. #2
    Member BoneCrusher's Avatar
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    I'd go with whatever exhaust sounds best to you they're all going to be pretty much the same for HP gains.
    The K&N cold air kit is a great performer that is easy to install and holds it's own with any other intake.
    Maybe do your pullies while you're at it.

    As for the gears I'll vote for the 4.10's

  3. #3
    Going fast with class Slow01GT's Avatar
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    I will also give my vote to 4.10 gears. I would also suggest a new mid-pipe to complement any catback you get since the factory h-pipe is very restrictive.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Cam99's Avatar
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    4.10s without a doubt. Flowmasters don't have great flow numbers (ironic), so let your budget be your guide. I had Mac on my 99 GT and loved the sound and price, but it never fit perfect no matter how much I adjusted it and it had alot of drone inside. The slp on the mach is top notch fit and finish, but not the cheapest out there. I like the K&N cai. Not a big fan of cai's made of metal, just seems like a good way to heat soak to me. Upper intake and throttle body aren't bad for the price. Longtubes are a nice upgrade but will require a tune .

  5. #5
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    what kind of rpm's are you turning with 4:10's or 3:70's at 65/70mph? with 4:10 's do you lose driveability on longer cruises?

  6. #6
    Going fast with class Slow01GT's Avatar
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    With my auto i'm at about 2800rpm at 70 in 4th. It should be similar for your 5spd in 5th. I drive 40+ highway miles everyday and make a lot of trips to ohio to race and i don't feel driveability has suffered at all.
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  7. #7
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Last edited by Troll; 09-04-2007 at 10:29 AM.
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  8. #8
    Going fast with class Slow01GT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post

    If you're just doing JUST the cat-back (and we all know it won't stop here ), get the SLP Loudmouth I because you will want it to be louder 2 days after you put it on if you go with Flows or any other chambered exhaust. If you plan to do a mid-pipe in the future, go with the quieter chambered exhaust because the SLP will rattle your teeth loose with an off-road midpipe.

    just my opinions. nice to see somebody else with a "lowly" 2V modding and asking questions.
    Could go with the Loudmouth 2 like i have. Its loud but not obnoxious and doesn't really drone like some of the chambered mufflers do.
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  9. #9
    Bullitt Rowleyxlt619's Avatar
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    I'll have to say, i have an 03 gt wit 22k on it and i have full bolt ons... i'm talking pretty much everything in my sig and i'm running low 13s with it on e/t radials and now i just bought a pair of 26 x 11.50 x 17s E/T Streets that i'm gonna test out tomorrow at the track but...

    For exhaust wise, if your looking for performance i wouldnt go with SLP loud mouth, i have the exhaust system and tested and it slowed me down in the quarter mile sounds good as hell but it just takes the back pressure away, i have a MAC 2.5 inch cat back wit 3 inch tips and it sounds good, i also have the flowtech long tubes wit the flowtech off road x pipe and the car sounds pretty damn good, flowmaster american thunder cat back also sounds good wit long tubes and a off road x pipe...
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  10. #10
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    i have 3.73s and they are an awesome street gear. i would have went with 4.10s if i didnt plan on gettin blown. if your not doing much racing 3.73s will be a perfect upgrade overstock gears. just make sure you recalibrate the spedo.

    cai wise i have a demolet (tunable induction) and love it. cheap and effective. JLT also makes a good cai but i would only buy plastic intakes. anything else = heat soak

    catback wise i love my magnapacks but im not even sure if they still make them. if they dont its a shame because i really do enjoy them. i like slp too. i would go with a bullet style muffler on the 2v. in my experience and personal opinion they sound better. i have 2 slp loudmouth mufflers i can sell you real cheap. so if you buy a flowmaster or mac and dont like it just switch out the mufflers.
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  11. #11
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    it all depends on the plans with your car if your only doing bolt ons do 4.10s if your gunna be gettin serious with boost go 3.73s

    i have a mac fenderwell intake chrome it does get hot wish i would have went with the jlt

    for the exhaust setup the best way is to look up mustang exhausts to get a feel of what your car will sound like this way you know what it will sound like b4 you buy it so its not a guessing game if you wasted your money or if you will like the sound

    i have 4.10s with full bolts ons and a fully built motor on spray an it runs like a champ its also an auto w/rachet shifter but just all depends what route your lookin to go you could always start with basics then think on gears last get your exhaust pullies intake tb an then decide if your going fully built, blown, etc etc

  12. #12
    Senior Member stieny's Avatar
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    I had Bassani cat'd x and cat back on my old GT and loved the sound. Not the cheapest but fit was perfect and sounded awesome IMO. But like it was stated earlier, they're all going to perform about the same so pick on that fits your budget and sound preference.

    If you want a simple yet effective CAI kit I too would opt for a K&N kit. Easy to install and performs well.

    4.10's are a must. Had them in mine and would do it again if I had another.

    I had an accufab TB and plenum and liked it. Seemed to do good. If you hit up some other mustang sights you can find some good deals on some used quality stuff. Not a big fan of BBK or MAC stuff.

    Edit: Another bang for your buck would be a short throw. Loved mine and made shifting like night and day. I had a steeda tri-ax and loved it. Pro 5.0 is another decent one.
    Last edited by stieny; 08-01-2007 at 03:51 PM.
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  13. #13
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    Thanx for all the responses...

  14. #14
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Last edited by Troll; 09-04-2007 at 10:30 AM.
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