ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt
2003 polaris predator 500
(wanna ride,just pm me!!!)
He probably knows that so he will keep trying to intimidate you, if you stand up to him he may just back off, if not do what you have to do as you have the right to defend yourself when threatened or attacked. Cops won't do anything until something happens, that's usually how it works.
"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"
General Douglas McArthur
She's mad at him that he turned jealousy of vehicles into talking shit about her.
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
That's what immature people do.
"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"
General Douglas McArthur
Until you stand up to him he will just keep pushing.
So basically what you are saying is you cant fight. You need to figure something out here. Squeeze a tube of valve grinding compound in his valve cover. Motor and all components oil related will be trashed. Completely!!! Its untracable and he will have no idea what hit him. Cant blame anybody for something that you have no idea what caused the trouble. Or you could just kick him in the nuts. Its easy. HAHAHAHAHA No brainer to me. Valve grinding compound.![]()
1 Monte SS. White.
Banned dates
There are more but that's all that was logged!!!
I don't **** with cars mine would be next if that were the case.
It's not that I can't fight, but if I were to go after him for SURE i'd have charges against me...and my company doesn't take those lightly.
Job > anger.
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
kurt your going to lose that girl of yours either way to be honest. your in a no win situation. so if your going to lose might as well beat his ass. if you hit him she'll dump you, if you dont stand up he'll show her that your a bitch and hell get her as well....
now kurt is that the girl i seen in the red/black that day? or is that the blonde girl i seen at the work bench when you were playing with the diegrinder?
Not sure who was in the red/black you're talking about.
She won't leave me if I hit him she wants me to but I won't, and she's not going to leave me for him she can't stand him anymore, the problem is he practically lives at her appt but she can't kick him out because she only pays half the rent.
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
bottom line, if you care about her, you need to stand up to this a$$hole. if that means intimidating him back, so be it. he is not going to back off if he thinks you won't fight. no other way, really. doesn't mean get into a skull splitting fight, just don't back down at all when he talks shit, just make sure you have someone there with you incase he pushes you too far. she is smart to not leave you over this sh!t but you said that she thinks it is coming between you two. can she move in with someone else?
note. I don't like the messing with the cars idea but wicks suggestion is sorta sweet. lol
does he have a sister? if so - fix your most nasty cornholeing friend up with her and smile.
Lets all go hang out at her house one night! I'm sure things will be straightend out by the time we leave.
Actually we should have a SCS meet at her place, that would be pretty cool.
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
Like Quik said, doesn't look like its going to have a happy ending either way, just walk away now and save yourself the agravation. No girl can have just guy friends unless they are way gay, sooner or later that guy friend is going to be there when your not and say the things she wants to hear, and if a guy has a girl--friend he wants to do her. period., but just my opinion.
good luck![]()
wow I have to disagree with shaun. all my life I have had best friends that are guys and have never slept with any of them. got drunk with all but one of them and still never slept with them. lol.
i actually just went through this with my gf.. all i did was went up to him in person and told him how it was... Everyone knows that im not a big guy but i guess it worked because he has yet to say anything to her or anything.. And plus if my gf would ever screw me over like that.. well.. i will just she her friends are hot so i would get revenge.. hehehe and make sure she found out.