sorry to hear about whats going on. hope everything works out for the both of you. going after him isnt worth getting in trouble over. just because you dont beat him up doesnt mean your a bush....besides theres other ways to get rid of him.
JJ's Automotive
im down with the party... that would be BALLIN.. yess... where are the pics of the girls????????? i mean indiana is a far ride but i would be down for the right..... lets just say party favorites.. hehe
Ill take care if him for ya bro. With you there ofcourse. So you can see what kinda beatin he gets for messing with a fellow member. Did I mention that I love to fight haha. Btw an IUP party sounds awesome. I know some girls that go to college there for some additional entertainment haha
Do it Domination Chassis style and email him a picture of your manhood halfway down her throat. They usually shutup after that.
The trunk idea is great!!
Remember, any college apartment can fit at least 50 drunk people inside. It doesn't matter how small it is.
If he goes to the apartment to visit the roomate and starts saying something to your girl face to face, have your girl go after him with a ball bat flipping out and telling him she's going to bash his knees in if he keeps his sh*t up... that will fix it real quick.
I had an apartment mate in college that tried hooking up with my gf at the time. I broke his door down and told him the next I hear about it that I would break his legs.. Needless to say, he never talked to her again.