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Thread: corbeau TRS racing seats

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    Banned George C's Avatar
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    corbeau TRS racing seats

    selling two corbeau TRS racing seats. i had these in my notch for like 2 weeks. sold the car. i had orignally bought them for the Hatch that i recently sold. seats are in great shape IMHO. they currently have brackets for a fox but as in any racing seats can be made to fit other cars. these are for a thinner person. if you have very broad shoulders dont bother you wont fit, if your on the larger side of the scale these arent for you. they are reclinable and work without any issues. catch is they are both passengersides. now it doesnt effect how you sit or anything. just thta one seat lever is on the inside. like said had these in the notch and had no issues with them

    they are black in color

    asking 250 for both
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    Last edited by George C; 08-10-2007 at 10:08 PM.

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