Last edited by Troll; 09-04-2007 at 11:19 AM.
2019 Colorado ZR2
How many miles on that car?
I'd just put some regular old ATF fluid in it. I put the Royal Purple Syncromax in my Cobra when I upgraded the input shaft and I didn't notice any difference in the shifting smoothness or anything. The only difference was almost $40 to change the fluid.
Last edited by Troll; 09-04-2007 at 11:20 AM.
2019 Colorado ZR2
I didn't want to make a new thread, so I found an old one from when I was mad.
Ed, yes ^^^ this is what I think, too. I changed mine today with the RP Synchromax and I put somewhere between Ford's 4 quarts and Tremec's recommended 3.2 quarts (I used 3.5-3.7? of the quarts, but I spilled a little of each quart using that freaking hand pump thingy) and so far (only 20 or so miles) I don't think it did a damn thing.
I don't have some of the major problems that other people have on the 3650 shifting from 1-2 or 2-3. I just have a 1st gear issue. Anything other than a dead stop and 1st gear grinds. It'll also grind if I'm idling in neutral, clutch out, push clutch in and go straight to 1st. If I put it in 2nd before 1st, all is well, but again that's just at a dead stop.
I guess I just have to live with this little issue. Will this cause issues with any of the other gears (as long as I don't continue to grind all the teeth off)?
Thanks SCS.
edit: just went for another quick spin. seems like it shifts somewhat smoother through all the other gears. I didn't have any 1-2 problems before, but I just did a few high-rpm 1-2 shifts and it SEEMS a little better.
Maybe, I'm just trying to justify my $40, 1/2 hour of time and another dirty shirt. :loco:
Last edited by Troll; 04-05-2008 at 08:11 PM.
2019 Colorado ZR2
I run Mobil 1 ATF. About 3.2 quarts.
665/540 New times coming
Old times with 516/453 11.10 @129 Best trap 130.69 -750' DA lol
DYNO VID ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9uOS732mdA
Seems like the issue you have right now is a slightly worn 1st gear synchro. Not a big problem yet. There are tiny teeth on the gear that contact the synchro. The synchro is cone shaped and gets friction with pressure being applied during shifting. Well, the cone is probably wearing down and the pressure being applied is not doing anything to speed the gear up for proper engagement. When you put it in second gear first, you are slowing the gear stack down which in turn allows the 1st shift to be smooth. Doing this over a good ammount of time will result in having to replace 1st gear. Not trying to worry you here but that is kind the way is goes.
1 Monte SS. White.
Banned dates
There are more but that's all that was logged!!!
yeah, the synthetic isn't something you really "feel" since you're engaging steel gears to steel gears (not an auto, obviously) but it is proven to be the superior lubricant, and your synchros will love you for itjust my 2ยข