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Thread: Couple kills for the Cobra tonight

  1. #61
    Took out an 07 Yamaha R1 earlier tonight!

  2. #62
    Banned George C's Avatar
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    1,490 are you measuring the run? are these from a dig? are these from a 50 roll till what mph? im curious as to how your doing this... good chance i might be out this weekend on my bike and might be interested in seeing this car for myself

  3. #63
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    slight dog? haha, where did you gather that?? the car's tune didnt let it do anything but spit and sputter until the thing got into boost... and if you hit it in first, it was by no means a dog, even with the pure shit tune
    Last edited by SonofaBish; 09-25-2007 at 02:06 PM.
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

  4. #64
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quik View Post
    alright, good to hear your side....dude why did you sell it? was it an offer you couldnt refuse? man you spent all that money to have whta you wanted only to ditch it? thta sucks but if your happy all power to ya

    yea lower power might work better down low, as for the gearing do ya think it needed it? or was it more of a driver error for thta race? cause from what i gatherd the TT Trans am on here is a slight dog up till 1/8 mile with its 308 gears
    It was more of a traction issue from a dig, car had all stock susspession, it just did'nt hook when it came into boost. It has 3:27 gears in it which are probably perfect for the street with the turbos. This car spools quick and it's no dog down low, that's one of the reasons for constantly breaking the tires. I sold it to Terry cause of financial reasons, he would of been the only one I would have sold it to, if he did'nt want it I would have kept it. I will be getting his 96gt and have some nice plans for it down the road.
    Last edited by Twin01cobra; 09-25-2007 at 12:58 PM.
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

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  5. #65
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quik View Post are you measuring the run? are these from a dig? are these from a 50 roll till what mph? im curious as to how your doing this... good chance i might be out this weekend on my bike and might be interested in seeing this car for myself
    I beleive these were down from about a 60mph roll to about 130, and Terry just kept pulling him the whole run, the car is very fast, that says something when you can beat two R1's even from a roll.
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

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  6. #66
    Formerly 2011 GB/CS & CST 03 03 OW SVT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CST 03 View Post
    . this is correct...I just talked to Terry. He can give all the details
    Sorry guys I meant Terry beat an R1 and an Evo not that John bought them
    17 Ram 1500 Big Horn Hemi
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  7. #67
    ILLBEATU fastfox91's Avatar
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    i cant believe u sold that car seemed like u put alot of work and money into the just to sell it i would of sold a kidney or something to make up the difference lol. nice car

  8. #68
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastfox91 View Post
    i cant believe u sold that car seemed like u put alot of work and money into the just to sell it i would of sold a kidney or something to make up the difference lol. nice car
    I here ya, but the car is in good hands so I don't feel so bad, plus I'm sure he'd let me take it for a spin if I wanted to.
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

    General Douglas McArthur

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Quik View Post are you measuring the run? are these from a dig? are these from a 50 roll till what mph? im curious as to how your doing this... good chance i might be out this weekend on my bike and might be interested in seeing this car for myself
    Stab it, steer, and watch the R1 disappear! First bike was from a 75mph roll and second one was from a 45mph roll and we ran up to about 140mph. Let me know if you end up bringing your bike out we will get together and make some runs! Looking forward to meeting up! Terry

  10. #70
    Banned George C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StreetLethal View Post
    Stab it, steer, and watch the R1 disappear! First bike was from a 75mph roll and second one was from a 45mph roll and we ran up to about 140mph. Let me know if you end up bringing your bike out we will get together and make some runs! Looking forward to meeting up! Terry
    yea no prob, as long as its nice out sat i should be out the mile area. as for racing a bike, some riders cant ride some can. a high HP car can usually get a bike. i know what my bike ran years ago and im sure the car of yours should be similar to that old time i ran

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Quik View Post
    yea no prob, as long as its nice out sat i should be out the mile area. as for racing a bike, some riders cant ride some can. a high HP car can usually get a bike. i know what my bike ran years ago and im sure the car of yours should be similar to that old time i ran
    Sounds like a plan! As far as for the rain holding out I know how my luck goes! LOL Anyway if the weather does holdout where would you wanna meet up at? Im not to sure of any places in Pittsburgh to hang out so you would have to show me around a bit. Take care Terry

  12. #72
    Banned George C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StreetLethal View Post
    Sounds like a plan! As far as for the rain holding out I know how my luck goes! LOL Anyway if the weather does holdout where would you wanna meet up at? Im not to sure of any places in Pittsburgh to hang out so you would have to show me around a bit. Take care Terry
    mircale mile is where ppl meetup. the locals up there can point us in direction for a run. im sure i could dig up a few other things possibly

  13. #73
    Banned George C's Avatar
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    spoke with a few, might have a busa, GN and possibly other snakes

  14. #74
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Terry, give me a call as miracle mile is right down the street from me, I think I know the cars that want to run
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

    General Douglas McArthur

  15. #75
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    Terry if you don't take me with you I will NEVER speak to you again!!!
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  16. #76
    I allready called shotgun!

  17. #77
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    We'll have to line 'em up someday as well... If my car EVER gets done... boy will I be rusty... will be a year since i've driven a manual .... but i think it should be a pretty even match up
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  18. #78
    Banned George C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    We'll have to line 'em up someday as well... If my car EVER gets done... boy will I be rusty... will be a year since i've driven a manual .... but i think it should be a pretty even match up
    whats takin so long? cant be that much work can it?

  19. #79
    Senior Member SV1000s's Avatar
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    Uh-Oh...someone just opened a:

  20. #80
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quik View Post
    whats takin so long? cant be that much work can it?
    Well he had the fuel lines custom pressed and that took the shop that did it a couple days each time i guess... Plus, he's only able to work on it the days that they are actually in the shop (he teaches at wyotech and isn't in the shop on a daily basis).... Plus, to add to all this, last week was the "end of the cycle" there or something to that effect, so he didnt get any time in the shop last week and isnt gonna get any time in the shop this week b/c its the beginning of the new cycle... so its basically sat for the last two weeks... no big deal really... i know i'm at the mercy of the wyotech schedule right now, so theres nothing i can do about it... He tells me he's going to attempt to get some work done on it this weekend ... However, the fuel system isnt the only problem... apparently the small leak on the passenger header is now a large leak, and he wants to get that fixed before we do any more tuning...
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

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