That was my guess 350-360 rwhp.
Paul, the rules are suppose to be pretty laid back there. Thats what the guy running the event told me.
Yeah your car looked, and sounded great. Nice runs.I'll probably go back next Wednsday,
I know it's pretty crappy about the lights. They haven't worked for at least 3-4 months.
Did you correct the times and trap back to sea level first? You might have but wasn't sure. Most formulas are based on Sea level, 60* 50% humidity etc. The DA was 2500'. I ran a 11.73 that same day at 123.69. At sea level that would be a 11.38 @ 127.53 with good air.
This is what I used to figure the correction after I figured out the DA.
Based on the car and me weighing in at 3750. I weigh 285 and the only weight out of the car is the pass and back seat along with the spare tire. Plus theres the weight of the Sc and intercooler set up. I also added almost 150lbs of wheel weight most in the back. Thats over my old satin silver gt wheels at 17x8 to a 17x10.5"/17x9 wheel /tire combo since my last dyno tune
So based on the race weight of 3750 and the corrected trap of 127.53. This calculator says I was putting out 592fwhp and I dynoed just a tad shy of 515whp
Last edited by Jivepepper; 09-02-2007 at 10:06 PM.
665/540 New times coming
Old times with 516/453 11.10 @129 Best trap 130.69 -750' DA lol
Joe- I shifted the old 302 combo at 6000, it made peak power at 5500. The old 302 combo made 304rwhp/331rwtq. I was thinking the same thing too on traction. If this thing makes that kind of RWHP numbers I'll be ecstatic!
Thanks! Mike has been a huge help, I don't think I'd be knocking down trap speeds like this already without him!
Shawn- it was good to see you again. I hope things work out for you and the car soon!
Rob- hmmmm... that is VERY tempting. I plan to autocross the car on Sunday, it would be cool to also drag race it the same weekend!
Jivepepper- you bring up an interesting point. I calculated my DA and it checked in at 2550 on my 12.8 at 114mph run. The conditions were: 72*F, 94% humidity, 30.03inhg, 70* dewpoint. I wondered if the calculators needed the corrected numbers of raw uncorrected ones. Corrected they came out to 12.509 at 117.56. If i could achieve those numbers at 3620lbs I'd be jumping for joy!!!
Last edited by Killercanary; 09-02-2007 at 11:50 PM.
1995 GT 'vert
Best times on old 302 combo:
12.03 at 112.5mph NA
Best time with 9:1 compression NA dart block 331 setup:
11.50 at 121mph
Dyno'd: 415rwhp/410rwtq
2004 Z16 commemorative edition Z06
100% stock: 11.9 at 118mph
The formula's utilized to calculate the FWHP on Killercanary's example do not need to be adjusted for D/A. As the D/A changes, MPH will follow suite, *all other things being equal.* Therefore, using the 114.02 mph is representative of the peak power levels achieved under those conditions.
I am not following your line of thinking. In essence your suggesting that I take his best trap speed attained at a D/A of 2,500 ft. above sea level (114.02) and then multiply it by 1.0311 = 117.57 mph and then plug that into the FWHP calculator? That would yield 469.25 FWHP or *about* 397.67 to the wheels. I can see your reasoning being potential FWHP at sea level, however, I do not believe that 331 to be making near 400 rwhp on it's last outing.
I have implemented these formulas into my ongoing test vehicle throughout it's evolution and the percentage of error is around +/- 3%. There are many variables to consider that the formula does not take into consideration. The only accurate way I know of finding true FWHP is to engine dyno a combination. And even then the numbers only represent those specific conditions.
Last edited by Pure Stock; 09-03-2007 at 12:09 AM.
2011 Mustang GT, MT-82, 3.73's :
BONE STOCK 12.223@115.18
Well I'm not very smart so I use an online calculator. If you put in x amount of weight and the trap speed. It gives you the hp rating that a car would need in order to do that trap at sea level. But it would take more hp at 2500" of course.
A 114 at 2500" would be the same as 117.89 corrected sea level numbers. I come out with 447fwhp if he would have been at sea level. Say Like at MIR drageay on 60* with 50% humidity. There has the be a standard for it be acurate for all cars in different conditions and elevations.
Since the online hp calulator is probably standardized it's probably standardized to sae standards.
He was making less at prp but the formula is based on certain conditons?
So allowing for a 15% drive train loss the would have put him at 447fwhp/rwhp379.95 corrected numbers, if he was at sea level. At prp that day his hp comes out to 414fwhp/353rwhp. Thats only a 26rwhp difference, sounds about right to me. But the reason you can't use those numbers in the hp caluclator is because not everyone races at prp in those conditions, hence the reason you need to correct the numbers first.
But I have been wrong before. he he
Hey killercanary! Do you remember that black SCed Viper truck last Wednsday? I put the whoopin on him on the way home lol.
Last edited by Jivepepper; 09-03-2007 at 05:56 AM.
665/540 New times coming
Old times with 516/453 11.10 @129 Best trap 130.69 -750' DA lol
Wow Paul - glad to hear that you're up and running again. Car looks great...definitely has some potential in it!! I can't believe it's been 3 years since it broke!
I haven't heard from you in a LONG time...I hope you guys are doing well!
Take care man!
Good to see you around again Mike! I hadn't raced at PRP since the 2004 season, and even then I think I only went once. I blew it up on my first time out to race at Cecil in April of 2005, so that entire year was shot. I got it running again 2 days before the Carlisle All Ford Nationals this year. I'll have to give you a call sometime soon to catch up. I'm headed back down to the garage now to work on the car, take care and I'll talk to you later.
1995 GT 'vert
Best times on old 302 combo:
12.03 at 112.5mph NA
Best time with 9:1 compression NA dart block 331 setup:
11.50 at 121mph
Dyno'd: 415rwhp/410rwtq
2004 Z16 commemorative edition Z06
100% stock: 11.9 at 118mph
Haha, you don't have to remind me of the day you broke it, as you might recall, my 4runner "broke" on my way down to watch you guys race...I'm sure that Rob remembers that one, haha. Then we got there and you were on the trailer and your dad wasn't far behind. What a day.
Anyway, good luck with finishing things up - definitely give me a call sometime when you can! I may actually be at PRP this wed watching/helping a friend (haven't been there in a LONG time for obvious reasons).