Was here before the disappearence, been a lurker since the sites been back up, names Shawn I work with Lou and Frank at Laurel Mountain.
Was here before the disappearence, been a lurker since the sites been back up, names Shawn I work with Lou and Frank at Laurel Mountain.
Nice fox!!
Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................
Buy Made in the USA - It Matters.
Hi ya Shawn....![]()
welcome back
ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt
2003 polaris predator 500
(wanna ride,just pm me!!!)
1969 Camaro restomod/project
1967 camaro
2011 mustang procharged
93 reef blue notch blk/int
92 calypso notch blk/int
86 t-type
1972 chevelle project
Not only did I fail at building a fast mustang but I bought a yellow zo6 cause I couldn't get my little dick up.
welcome back& frankie sucks!
Welcome back Shawn!!!!
Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner
What's up Shawn.
LeMans Blue Z06