If your looking for a new personal best, tired of PRP, or just want to see some bumper dragging, gear jammin', fox/sn95's tearing it up. This rental is for you:

SSOTN Nationals Official Information Page

The Andrew Bauer Memorial SuperStallions Nationals will once again be held at Cecil County Dragway in Rising Sun, MD on November 17th, 2007. We will be running test and tune all day and our popular Grudge Run format in the afternoon! The racing will be intense as usual and feature some of the east coast's hottest Mustangs.

Price for the event is $55 by PayPal or $50 by check No Walk Ins Allowed unless prior arrangements were made in advance with John Paulson. There is a $10 spectator/crew fee required by Cecil County Dragway, racers are not required to pay the $10 fee, they are covered by the pre-pay racing fee. All Spectator fees are to be paid at the gate on race day. Refreshment stands will be open all day.

If you plan on attending the event you MUST purchase your ticket via paypal or check ONLY!! DO NOT SHOW UP AT MY DOOR STEP BEGGING FOR A TICKET AT THE LAST MINUTE DO NOT CALL MY HOUSE BEGGING FOR A TICKET AT THE LAST MINUTE.

Payment cutoff will be when car cutoff has been reached(150 Cars). No Exceptions.

Send Payment To:
John Paulson c/o SSOTN - Checks payable to SuperStallions Of The Net
112 Grandview Ave
Brookhaven, Pa. 19015

Or you can use paypal

Photographer Will Be On Site: Tracy "PicChik"
More Info!
Directions to Cecil County Dragway:
From Baltimore:
Take I-95 to Exit 100, Rising Sun, MD
Make left at Exit
Make left at red light
(Route 274)
Go 1/2 mile make left
(Theodore Road)
Race Track is on the left.

From Route 40:
Make a left on to Route 272
Follow signs to the track
From Philadelphia:
Take I-95 to Exit 100, Rising Sun, MD
(Route 272)
Bear Right
Make left at red light (Route 274)
Go ½ mile, make a left on Theodore rd
Race track will be on left

Tech will be handled by the crew at Cecil. Be sure you have all your racing equipment and that you adhere to the safety regulations in accordance with your vehicle's ET/mph.

Check the Message Boards prior to the race if you are interested in attending any dinner/evening get togethers. After all, its not just about racing.

Important Note Regarding Weather Conditions / Refunds: If the track opens whatsoever we are required to pay them therefore we cannot and will not offer refunds. If the event is a complete rainout at the spring event you will either receive a ticket good for a test and tune day at cecil county dragway, OR your ticket will be valid for our fall event in November whichever we choose based on our availability. If the Fall event is a complete rainout it will be rescheduled. If a reschedule is not available information will be available on the message board at that time regarding what to do. If for any reason you cannot make the event or want to refund your unused ticket, we suggest that you offer it up for sale to other members on the message board as the event normally sells out. This gives you the opportunity to get your money back and makes your spot available to other members.

If you have any questions, please let us know either in the forum or in email if you prefer at info@superstallions.com.

Once we know who is coming we can set up caravans for people who are traveling along the same route.

Thanks and can't wait to see you there.

