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Thread: Need some ticket help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Cranberry, PA

    Need some ticket help

    On my way home from school yesterday me and a buddy were going down a 4 lane stretch. On my way to pass him a cop caught us and pulled us over down the road when traffic went into 1 lane for construction. He got me with 85 in a 40.

    My question long are the drags at Zellionople FL's?

    I don't believe I was doing 85 when barely even getting on the gas. Plus the kid I got pulled over with was driving a Chevy Lumina and was about a car length behind me when I passed him. I know I was over the speed limit, but I highly doubt it was 45 over.
    04 Anniversary Edition Mustang GT

  2. #2
    Senior Member Import Killer's Avatar
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    I Know Your Trying To Figure out how fast you was gone..but you should be glad they didnt tow the car or give you points on your lic.

    Either way it was a work zone you should be thankful instead of trying to get out of a ticket you deserve..

    We all have been down that road...hell i got pulled over in washington last year in my trans am gone 105 on the interstate in a 70 zone thank god it was my uncle who pulled me over and i didnt get a ticket just got a hell of a yelling...but i never did goofy shi* like that again..why risk it to prove it to a chevy lumina? for the lecture

  3. #3
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Spencerport, NY
    yea that's a tough one..... I'd say fight it... and just go in and tell the magistrate that you let you speed get away from you because you were trying to get past a car that was attempting to pace you in the right lane, before you got to where it narrows to 1 lane... Apologize and tell the guy/lady that you understand the smarter decision would have been to apply the brakes and squeeze in between that car and the one behind it... (even if there wasnt one behidn it)...

    being honest can sometimes get you out of shit... my first ticket i was guilty as hell (75 in a 45) and i told the magistrate that i was sorry and didnt realize that my speed had gotten so out of control... also told her that i was on a date and driving my dad's sports car, which is why i unknowingly sped at such a rate... (it was my car, but a believeable story since i was only 18)... she let me off with a 5over and no points
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  4. #4
    formerly 93teal PSPstang's Avatar
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    brother i have been there and done that.
    tried out the amos k rt66 bypass right after it opened.

    fact is unless penn dot has changed the vehicle code
    if you're going over 25mph over the speed limit you will get 5 points and lose your license. think i lost mine for 15 days many many moons ago

    i tried to fight it and got a prick magistrate who said she was going to teach me a lesson. that was in 1995 so doubt speeding laws have changed.
    Just be thankful they didn't get you for racing on the highway
    Good Luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Cranberry, PA
    I wasn't trying to race the kid. I know there's not a thing at all to prove especially against a Lumina. This all happened before construction so that's a plus but I will get points on my license.

    I'm going to fight it just to try and at least get the points dropped.
    04 Anniversary Edition Mustang GT

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Blairsville, PA
    25+mph over the limit = loss of license usually.....

    5mph = 1 pt on your license.

    and 5 or 6 pts = suspension of your license.

    You best go fight it and and either tell truth like Bish was saying, or beg for mercy. Did the cop tell you about the fine/points he would give you? What did the cop say to you? What did he give you? a fine, points? how many points?

    Specifics man! haha we need em to help.
    2003 Sonic Blue Cobra - AccuFab Throttle Body, JLT "sonic blue" CAI, Diablosport Predator, 2.81 Pulley, 100mm Idler Pulley, Pro 5.0 Short Shifter, Bassani Catted X-Pipe, Bassani Cat-Back Exhuast, Eibach Sport Line Springs, FR500's, Corbeau A4 Microsuede seats, Sequential Tail Lights.
    1993 Ford Lightning - Gaylords Tonneau, LFP Traction bars, Eaton Posi, Cervini's Cowl hood + Roll Pan, Art Carr Valve Body.
    1995 F-250 PSD - Daily Driver

  7. #7
    I agree with going to the Magistrate. Say you are guilty but not at that speed. Tell him the guy tried to keep speeding up when you wanted to get over in front of him. I would even say when I slowed down, he slowed down and would not let me get behind him.

    You will probably get a reduced fine but if it is in a Work Zone the fine is doubled.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    cory. is your last name fleeson?
    1985 Mustang GT:Cobra r's.full exhaust.8.8 w/ 3.73's.forged 306 c.i..

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