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Thread: 1989 Mustang Notchback Modded

  1. #1

    1989 Mustang Notchback Modded

    1989 Notchback Original 5.0 car.. Tan and black interior..Copper exterior.. 5spd. 108k on body.. About 20k on motor.. Has ran a best of 12.05 @ 112 on motor and 11.40 on nitrous (150shot)

    306 Stock block 030 over stock crank..Eagle Rods.. Wiseco pistons
    F-Cam, Trickflow twisted wedge heads..Trickflow Track heat intake, 1.7rockers.. Trickflow push rods,Downs Valve Covers, 30lbs injectors, 70mm throttle body and Mass Air Meter, BBk equal length headers..2.5" exhaust,Mallory Distributor, Motorsport wires,Electric Fan, Moser Axles, 4.10 gears, Aluminum driveshaft, World Class T-5,Centerforce Dual Friction Clutch, 255 intake pump, NOS inline pump, NX works wet kit w.purge up to 175shot, Torque Boxes reinforced, Weld Draglights 10's in the back 3's up front,Frame Connectors, Lakewood 90/10 front struts, Im sure i am forgetting something 8,000 obo

    Or Would sell cheaper with a stock motor in the car and stock axles... leave a message if you have any questions or ideas. E-mail me for more pics if i dont post them on here Car in Altoona PA
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  2. #2
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Car looks good man.

  3. #3
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #4

    how much for a roller?

    just pm me
    1969 Camaro restomod/project
    1967 camaro
    2011 mustang procharged
    93 reef blue notch blk/int
    92 calypso notch blk/int
    86 t-type
    1972 chevelle project
    Not only did I fail at building a fast mustang but I bought a yellow zo6 cause I couldn't get my little dick up.

  5. #5
    Adam :

    Like you need another Mustang?



    best of 9.66 at 141 MPH

  6. #6
    **Price Lowered** $$7000

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