My social secretary and personal purchasing agent has authorized the installation of a garage.
Her requirements:
- It looks nice. - This is hard to nail down. She has shot down steel structures and she is not sure about a pole barn style. The most I get out of her is that it should have siding and shutters and flower boxes that match the house. She did not like my comment that the house doesn’t even have flower boxes.
- That I stop making the yard look like Sanford & Sons. - This mean that the metal shelving I removed from that basement, the old 302 and AOD, three 8.8 axles. 2 spare T-Top doors, extra hatch and two complete set of tires come out of the yard and get put into the garage.
My desires:
- I want a lift. – This requires twelve foot + ceilings.
- Three bays - There is never enough room in a garage and car ‘fluff’ when you strip them. Besides, the first time she has to scrape ice off her car, she is going to want to park in the garage, I see it coming.
- Maybe I should put a storage loft about the non lift bays. I have a lot of ‘spare’ parts.
- I don’t get home till late so I want to insulate the walls for sound and climate control. I am on a 1/3 of an acre and a sawzal on exhaust or hammering will wake the neighbors.
- I get a lot of work done between 9pm and 2 am. Lots of lighting.
- Some sort of climate control, ceiling fans to move the air, a window AC unit to cool off those 90+ degree days, and some sort of heater. I can use my propane bullet heater, but I would prefer something that doesn’t produce carbon monoxide.
- 220 V feed to the garage. I don’t know what amperage yet. My air compressor runs on 220 and the lift is 220, I have a 110V MIG welder, but I might have to upgrade that to a 220 unit. Most of these devices will not run at the same time.
- Run a network drop to the garage so I post help questions when I get in over my head. I have already picked up the fiber optic parts to set this up.
- There is never enough bench and shelf space. I want the garage to be deep enough that I can put a bench at the end of each bay with a car in the bay. 24-28 feet deep (outside dimension)?
Baltimore County requirements:
- The garage can’t be taller then 15 feet. – I know I can easily file for a variance. I can get 17 feet, but I understand that 20 feet requires a hearing where I have to justify my request. There is also some BS that I should not mention car work because the county actually has rules about not working on cars at home. I had a shop actually say that if the county was to see my floor jack and jack stands and tool box in my shed, there technically could write a citation. So telling the ‘judge’ I want a tall garage so I can install a lift to restore cars and build hot rods will not go over very well.
- The developed part of the back yard can not exceed 40% of the yard – Not a problem.
- The garage can not be bigger than the house – This is based on the foundation foot print. I was surprised to see that a three bay garage would be bigger than the house. I am checking on what can be done about this. A variance on this point would cause red flags at the zoning office.
- Set backs and easements. - I got that covered, three foot on the sides and ten foot on the back.
My father suggestions:
He used to be a builder is and has an opinion.
- 8 foot 2x4 walls are cheap and easy to build. Build a two foot block wall and put an 8 foot 2x4 wall on top of that. - That is only 10 feet…not 12…
- The garage should only be 24 foot deep. 24 foot roof trusses are plentiful and cheap. Bigger trusses cost more per foot.
- Use a ‘scissor’ trusses above the lift. The 10 foot wall and open truss should let me get the car in the air, but not my XTerra or his van. He is adamant that a four foot block wall and a 8 foot would not look right and make the house un-sellable.
If I want to put a bench at the end of each bay, how deep should the bay be?
Should the storage loft have permanent stairs or a ladder or pull down stairs. (Ease of use vs. space for the stairs). If permanent stairs, should they be on a side wall of between bays?
I was thinking of installing two single garage doors. Should I install the 8 foot or the 11 foot doors?
Has anybody used Greg Smith Equipment for a lift before? If someone is familiar with lifts, can they explain the difference between the Master Series XL-9, OH8000 and the Atlas NINE unit? They look the same to me.(
What else should I consider in the design?