after a couple just had great sex,she laid there stroking his penis,he asked do you want more?she said no i'm just admiring it,i used to have one.
a man cooks a deer but doesn't tell the kids what it he gives them a clue,it's what your mom calls me.the son yells dont eat it,it's a ****in dick.
a teacher asks what part of the body goes to heaven 1st?a kid says FEET,cuz at nite i see my mom with her legs up yellin 'o god i'm cumin.
a 12yr old was gettin ready for bed and walked into his parents bedroom to find his mom lying there naked and his dad goin to town,his dad looks up and without mom seeing gave his son the thumbs up and gave a huge smile.the next day dad comes home from workto find the boy has his grandma ties to the bed doing unimaginable things and the dad said what the hell are you doing and the boy replied it's not so funny when it's your mom huh??