I KNOW the reported issues with their PMAS MAF's and so forth. My tune will be based on datalogged voltage readings, so their accuracy issues arent that important to me.

That said, does anyone have a hook-up with PMAS or an equivalent to their slot style Maf sensors? I'm planning to use their HPX sensor in a custom housing in a blow through application.


I can get it for about $200.00 from VMP, but would like to find them for less if possible.


The other option is to use the normal 05+ MAF with a MAF.ia. But I'm not real thrilled at multiple devices to save a few $$'s, and i'm not convinced their resolution is that good either.

If anyone knows of an alternate slot sensor like the HPX, or has a hook-up on MAFia, an alternate there, or whatever, I'm interested in talking about it. I would rather but sensors with the right range if possible.

FYI - This is for the 2.3 stuff, I'm finally getting real serious about the Mass air conversion, and need to get the parts ordered to get mine up and running. I lost a bunch of this summer with broken parts, so I want to get this all installed and drag it onto a dyno so its tuned and ready to go. As some of you know, guys are doing MAF conversions on these, but what I'm trying to do here is very different. Most of them need detailed tuning to get them running in mst cases, let alone right. If what I beleive here is right (with these sensors), this should mostly be plug and play after the code is debugged.

Bob Myers