Someone local used to sell what I'm looking for here. I remember they used to hand out flyers at Keystone back in the day.

Anyway, what I'm looking for is a set-up for use with long wheels studs and Weld wheels. Rather than using a shank type lug nut, this is an insert that goes into the wheel, and then a "regular" nut with a washer on it to clinch it down. Its a lot like the Moser drive stud kit, except designed for a regular 1/2 (or 7/16") stud.

This is the Moser drive stud kit.....

But I dont want to go through everything for 5/8" studs and do run street wheels and tires a good bit. I hope someone remembers what I'm talking about, the worst part is, someone had them at the Washington twp swap, and I though, eh, those will be easy to find later :(

Bob Myers