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Thread: superchargers.

  1. #1
    mustang aficionado SVTGT's Avatar
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    i feel like starting some good debate. whats everyone veiws and standing one superchargers, paxton, vortech, Procharger, whipple, kenne bell,
    though on pros, cons, on centrifugals, twin screws, roots. i went to school for it so i fugured i get some more feedback from the people who use them. i know what my favorites are, but what do you all think. my bests are PROCHARGER and KENNE BELL. both top of there game and they each have there own pluses.
    1988 GT "SVTGT" Terminator Fox
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  2. #2
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Well, I have a fox and I just put a Vortech on it. I love it.Whistles real loud and builds boost really quick. My neighbors thought a 747 was landing in the yard the other day!!! HAHAHA I need to do some reading on tuning and learn some more here brfore I can really enjoy it.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    i am a roots lover because of there quiker power, but they kinda fall off on the big end a little, that seems to be where centrifugals shine..
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  4. #4
    Power Adder
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    After working on Mustangs for a living and selling all the blower listed, I'd go with Vortech, KB, or whipple. If it's a street car KB or Whipple would be more fun on the street. The down side is they are harder on the car since the boost is instant, but that's what make them so fun. I'd stay away from Procharger if it were me. I've seen too many problems with seals leaking and the blower totaly failing. Plus trying to call Procharger to get RMA#'s to send customers blower back usually turned into an all day event trying to get through.
    Chris Kauffman
    2000 Vortech'ed Saleen replica
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  5. #5
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    im personally a KB fan myself. that might have something to do with the fact that i have one, but they are a ton of fun. the torque they put out is incredible
    2001 Black Gt 5spd

    Kenne Bell is my BOY

  6. #6
    Senior Member Cam99's Avatar
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    * biased opinion* Kenne Bell is the best blower end of story *biased opinion*

  7. #7
    Power Adder
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    I personally like whipple's over the KB's. They don't have the problem with oil shooting out of the snout or beathers like the KB's do at higher boost levels, and the Whipples typically run lower air intake temps at the same boost levels.
    Chris Kauffman
    2000 Vortech'ed Saleen replica
    1991 302 LX notch Saleen replica
    1988 408LX drag car
    1988 460LX drag car (new project)

  8. #8
    Member Red98GT's Avatar
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    Love my Procharger! Had if for 2+ yrs and haven't had a single issue with it. It's hard on the tires though.
    98 Mustang GT
    P1sc, 4:10's, PI Intake, alum. Dr. Shaft, Eibach Springs, Steeda Tri Ax, Bassani X Pipe, Bassani Cat-Back

  9. #9
    Senior Member Jivepepper's Avatar
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    I have been running my vortech for about 4 years and 50k. Never an issue and makes great power for a little s-trim.
    665/540 New times coming
    Old times with 516/453 11.10 @129 Best trap 130.69 -750' DA lol
    DYNO VID --->

  10. #10
    MPG's, bitch! Mitternacht's Avatar
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    I've been researching my supercharger, and its tough to find information on it.

    It's mistaken as an SN95 Stage 3 Roush supercharger, but the Stage 3 SN95's did not come supercharged. The supercharger/manifold was created by Powerdyne, but all they make anymore are centrifugal units. The biggest throttle body, as far as I know, for the intake/sc is 70mm, and I have one from BBK on the car already. And soon when I get my gauges in, I'll be able to tell you what kind of boost it can put out.

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  11. #11
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
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    Whipple. Ain't no stinking Kenne Bell making 663RWHP on only 21# boost. LOL
    LeMans Blue Z06

  12. #12
    MPG's, bitch! Mitternacht's Avatar
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    N. Huntingdon
    Quote Originally Posted by u1arunit View Post
    Whipple. Ain't no stinking Kenne Bell making 663RWHP on only 21# boost. LOL
    They're louder than Kenne Bell's too, right?

    2016 Chevrolet Volt
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  13. #13
    Power Adder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitternacht View Post
    They're louder than Kenne Bell's too, right?
    No the KB's have a loud high pitch wine, while the whipple still wines but is not really that loud.
    Chris Kauffman
    2000 Vortech'ed Saleen replica
    1991 302 LX notch Saleen replica
    1988 408LX drag car
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  14. #14
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Just go turbo and forget the SC period, the numbers in my sig from my old car were made on 20#'s of boost with 28" ET streets, put on some street tires and the numbers will be close to 700rwhp/730/rwtq, try that with a supercharger. Plus you can control the boost with a turn of a knob, no pulleys or belts to play with, and they are very streetable at those hp levels.
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  15. #15
    Senior Member Jivepepper's Avatar
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    Morgantown WV.
    I want a ysi trim
    665/540 New times coming
    Old times with 516/453 11.10 @129 Best trap 130.69 -750' DA lol
    DYNO VID --->

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