Heres a few bad pics more damage was done maybe timmy can post a few more from the shop
Heres a few bad pics more damage was done maybe timmy can post a few more from the shop
Sorry to see this..
That poor little fire plug never had a chance!
LeMans Blue Z06
dam man sorry to hear that.....any estimates on the damage $?
2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1931 Ford Model A - Project
1991 BMW 325iX
1978 Ford F150
1952 Ford F2 - Project
2001 Mustang GT - gone but never forgotten. RIP.
no ideas on $$..anyone wanna take a guess
not to add insult to injury (literally) but did you get a ticket? :o
Looks like you were just trying to put the fire on the front end out. :D
Glad to hear you're OK though.
wow... that sucks man.. glad to hear your ok.
i think you were goin little too fast for that corner!!!! DONT LIE.....
lol.. it doesnt look as bad as you described it in the first thread..
just glad you didnt get hurt, keep your head up
ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt
2003 polaris predator 500
(wanna ride,just pm me!!!)
no guys swear to god i hitt that bend gone 45mpg..traction was off...i remember the car just start turning around 3 times then hitting a fire hydren...there is more damage but thats the only pixs i had..yeah atleast the flames are gone how uch you think ill get from insurance..there wont total it will they
IDK, but at least you can claim the crash disabled your muffler bearings and get those replaced ASAP.
1 Monte SS. White.
Banned dates
There are more but that's all that was logged!!!
That'll buff right out!
just kidding. sorry for your loss man. I know what its like when your baby gets wrecked. I feel your pain.