Look at one of these too while you're at it, Kimber Tactical Ultra II or any of the 3" barrel line of Kimber's. It is my favorite carry gun. Prepare yourself for the price though! Can't go wrong with a .45 or a Kimber!
Look at one of these too while you're at it, Kimber Tactical Ultra II or any of the 3" barrel line of Kimber's. It is my favorite carry gun. Prepare yourself for the price though! Can't go wrong with a .45 or a Kimber!
Looks don't make it function better, nothing looks as pretty as a high end 1911 (Nighthawk, Wilson, Les Baer, etc.) but none are as reliable as a Glock. As for the XD, I agree with Ed, just get a Glock, XD's have alot of unnessary features such as the useless grip safety(which in my opinion only belongs on a 1911). Glocks are also very easy to dissasemble, a 1/8" punch is all you need to strip the entire gun which I think only has 24 total parts to it, counting the sights would be 26. Plus you can get differant trigger conectors, springs to make the trigger how you like, and you can do it yourself. Plus mags are cheap and parts are plentiful incase you were to ever break something, which I doubt you will. I have shot probably over a 100'000 rnds through Glocks over the last 20 years and the only malfuntions I can recall was due to under powered reloads that would not cycle the slide or a bad reload, never had any issues with factory ammo and they will feed any hollow point out there. Glock is one gun I trust to protect my life on a daily basis.
Last edited by Twin01cobra; 12-24-2007 at 02:51 PM.
"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"
General Douglas McArthur
SOLD! That's a bold statement.
My cop buddy said he used to shy away from the glocks because he didn't want to be a sheep and hop right on the bandwagon, but now that he owns one (G27), he would not have anything else as a backup weapon. As a trooper, he was talking about the grip angle and it's easier to tap off two-shots blah blah blah. He swears by it and he tells me to get the G26 over anything else I've mentioned.
"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"
General Douglas McArthur
Sweet! Didn't know the general public could get those?!?! If that's the case, I'll take the AR off my wish list and replace it with the 556!![]()
I know, but do a search on them. I'm guessing that MSRP is wrong cause you can't get one to you for that price. I'm going to check a few wholesellers to see what I can get one for. Right now, I think supply is still limited on them.
BTW, the ones at ACE do have the optional flip up front and rear sights. Not sure how much of a price option they are though.
The one at ACE is a good price especially after looking around. I did find this one http://gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=88228943 which would be about $1240 after shipping and FFL transfer (dependent) however it doesn't havethe sight package. No tax is always a bonus as well... unless you have connections
Sorry for hijacking the thread Troll!![]()
welp, got the Baby Glock... for $500 at Johnsons. Retail was $539. I told him the Ace deal and told him I'd take a ride for $50, so he knocked $40 off and treated my Ruger as a trade in so he saved me another $11 on tax. can't wait to shoot now... have to work next few days. Sunday, I'll get to my parents' place and put some fmjs through it.
btw, that trigger safety freaks me out. when (if) you guys carry the Glocks, do you keep one in the chamber or not?
thanks again!
My buddy sells them for 1250.00. Check him out. He also has the swat model which is more money but has a few more options. In order to get these rifles you must be a Sig premium dealer so you can't get these through a distributor or wholesaler, they come direct from Sig.
Last edited by Twin01cobra; 12-26-2007 at 04:31 PM.
"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"
General Douglas McArthur
The trigger safety isn't much of a safety, I alwas carry one in the pipe, just make sure you get a good holster and get use to the gun before you carry it. Here's a good holster option, mine rides in a comp-tac pro undercover
"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"
General Douglas McArthur
yes, i will. that's very good advice. that pro u/c looks sweet. i'll prolly blow my balls off.
i'm a little more used to it just fooling around and taking it apart for the last hour or so. my Ruger was a decocker model, so there really wasn't a safety on it either, other than the first 3-mile long double-action trigger pull.
Just remember to drop the mag out of the glock when you unload it. I came home one night about 4:00 am and popped the round out of the chamber to put the gun in the safe, then pulled the trigger to decoc.k it and boom, shot the safe cause I forgot to drop the mag![]()