long story as short as possible:
my wife has asthma. and she had it controlled for years. well when she gave birth in august 06 the doctor did some things that may have tirggered her asthma to flare up and worsen. 1) doctor had her on pure oxygen for 9 hours. 2) doctor turned off her epidural and went home, not telling anyone it was off. this they think may have strained her lungs/heart in some way
so today she had to go to the doctor, then go to hospital for 2 X-rays. may have to go back next week for an EGK. she was told today we may not want to have anymore kids...if we do she will be a high risk pregnanacy. :( very sad as she really wanted more kids. she even said she wanted to get pregnant next christmas....lets hope the X rays come back good and their is no strain or anything wrong with the heart....she will still be a high risk pregnanacy.....but not as bad if the heart is 100%