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Thread: P71 Crown Vic best bang for buck

  1. #1
    88 5.0 lx conv eddmann55's Avatar
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    P71 Crown Vic best bang for buck

    My best friend has a 2000 P71 crown vic ex-police cruiser, The car has a lot of power, but once he rode in my mustang he decided he wanted more, my question in your opinions what is the best bang for the buck besides gears, he doesn't want to lose fuel economy on the highway, would a programmer give more? I don't know anything about the modular motors that's why I'm asking. I'm open to suggestions.

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Senior Member SV1000s's Avatar
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    Chandler, AZ
    This is definitely a question for 2002LXsport! Exhaust (mufflers only) doesn't do much. Programmer is a huge improvement along with gears and UD pullies.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blkp42e's Avatar
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    i dont think there is much you're going to do to retain the highway mileage.

  4. #4
    not a cop car 2002LXSport's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    PI heads and intake to start. Crown Vics didn't get them until '01. After that, its your basic bolt-ons. High-flow mufflers, high-flow cats (next on my list), pullies, gears, intake and programmer. There aren't many options for a Vic even though it shares the same 4.6 as the 'Stangs. The upper intake is reversed (airbox is on the driver's side) and it also has more vacuum fittings than the Mustangs. The latter is easily fixed by cutting and splicing. Check out Chris has a lot of parts for Panther platform cars (Crown Victoria, Grand Marquis, Town Car). Check out my post under pics and vids titled "Clean Vic." I have a list of the mods on my Vic.

    As far as gears, he has at least 3.27's. Possibly 3.55's. A Trac-Loc is an option on the police interceptors, so he may or may not have one. If you give me his axle code on the door jamb sticker I can look it up. Or just crawl underneath and look at the axle tag. If he has 3.55's he should have the Metal Matrix aluminum driveshaft. If not, he'll need one along with the extended tailshaft housing (tranny) if he goes with 3.55's or 3.73's.

    A pretty good web site for info is I'm a member there under the same user name as SCS. The only downside to that site is that they are sticklers for the "law." Meaning they flame anyone who is not a cop or fireman that talks about putting lights or sirens on their cars. Also, they frown upon "illegal" mods such as going cat-less. Other than that, its a pretty good site.
    2002 Crown Vic LX Sport. Black on Black. Lots of mods. Sweet stereo. SOLD
    1987 Yamaha Warrior. 435 cc big bore
    2011 F-150 4x4

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