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Thread: Steeda 500% markup

  1. #1

    Steeda 500% markup

    So last week I lost a front brake caliper pin. I ordered a replacement from the dealer which hasn't arrived yet. My winter beater then broke down yesterday which made it imperative to bandaid the cobra so i have something to drive as I can't get the beater fixed until next week. So I went to Lowes to see if I could get something to temporarily replace the pin until the one on order comes in. I found this trailer hitch pin which is the exact size of the oem part and looks like it will work until I get the real part.

    But what's funny is the pin which I got at Lowes for $1.20 looks EXACTLY like this product on Steedas site that I found when searching for a replacement.

    So it appears that Steeda is making a 500% markup on a trailer pin.
    2012 Corvette Grand Sport
    2012 Mini S "Winter Beater"
    2008 F150 "Corvette Support Vehicle"

  2. #2
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Pittsburgh, PA
    That is nothing new. If they aren't copying someone elses idea they are selling parts for a HUGE profit. They don't call them 'Steela' for nothing!
    LeMans Blue Z06

  3. #3
    Member BoneCrusher's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Dude that is an awesome post, seriously man the rich get richer. Damn Steeda, they probably get those pins for 10 cents.

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