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Thread: not a good Friday...

  1. #21
    Senior Member SV1000s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaxtonShelby View Post
    That f'n Metro was totaled before it even hit me....

    Yep - it smashed his radiator and puked coolant all over the place. Hood all buckled up - front end completely smashed. You could tell he hardly hit his brakes, because he didn't nose under me. The geezer just plowed right into me. The old fart said he just traded in his van for the Metro so he'd get better mileage. I told him I was pretty happy that he wasn't driving a van, as the impact would have been a lot worse than his little 2000 pound metro..
    Did the old guy think he was on a bumper car amusement park ride? What was his excuse for plowing into you?

  2. #22
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    You might consider fixing it depending on how much they total it out for. After seeing the photos, I doesn't look like there is much frame damage, if any. Considering you will be out-of-pocket anyway for a newer replacement ride, it may be worth fixing since you know the condition/history of the SHO. If you purchase a used $4K ride, you won't know the history of it. I assume it will be an "R" title, however. After hearing about this incident, I realize why I don't drive the Shelby as much. I hope your injury didn't stop the pb40x.
    2016 GT Premium

  3. #23
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    Hi guys,

    SV - not that it's an excuse for the old guy, but the accident happened around 5pm, and the sun was blazing right into our eyes as we waited to merge. It was "almost" impossible to see. Of course, I managed to see the truck stopped in front of me...

    Bob - I hope to find out today or tomorrow what will happen to the SHO. I think the damage is pretty severe, even if it is mostly cosmetic. It will need 2 quarter panels, as they are buckled badly and the area where they wrap around the rear of the car to the trunk are seriously relocated. Check out the rear photo again and you'll see how the 2 sides are in different zip codes. By the time they'd replace 2 quarters, the trunk lid ( all distorted and bent ), the taillight panel, taillights, rear bumper subframe assembly and "shocks", rear bumper cover, and front bumper cover - then paint everything - I figure the cost will be enough that they won't want to fix it.

    I have a few leads on replacement rides. Hopefully something pans out. It'll be a lot easier to figure out what I'll do once I have a check in hand from the insurance company. But I'm not optimistic - KBB value is only like $3800 and NADA is around $4300. To me the car was worth more than that - it ran great and was going to last me another 50-60k miles easily ( at least 7 years )...

    I hope to pick up a rental car this afternoon - I wonder if they have any Mustang GTs available???
    Last edited by PaxtonShelby; 01-28-2008 at 09:55 AM.
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
    12.76 @ 114.04 bone stock. Koni yellow coil-overs, BMR watts, LCA and LCA relo brackets, Borla S-type axle back.

    1966 Coupe - 331 stroker - Bullet custom roller cam - cam and motor installed and dyno tuned by Rodeheavers Hot Rod - Astro A5 - McLeod RXT - 486 to the wheels - more fun than my little tires can handle

    1966 Oldsmobile Toronado - currently NOT on jackstands

  4. #24
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Did this crash happen heading west on 22-30 right by Tonidale? I saw a smashed front geo sitting there when going to work this morning and comming home a few minutes ago.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  5. #25
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    Did this crash happen heading west on 22-30 right by Tonidale? I saw a smashed front geo sitting there when going to work this morning and comming home a few minutes ago.
    You got it wick - that's the POS that smashed me.

    I talked to the manager at Airport Auto Body ( on Stoops Ferry Road ) a few minutes ago and he thinks the adjuster will consider it a total loss. I just hope I get a few $$ out of the car to use toward something new...
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
    12.76 @ 114.04 bone stock. Koni yellow coil-overs, BMR watts, LCA and LCA relo brackets, Borla S-type axle back.

    1966 Coupe - 331 stroker - Bullet custom roller cam - cam and motor installed and dyno tuned by Rodeheavers Hot Rod - Astro A5 - McLeod RXT - 486 to the wheels - more fun than my little tires can handle

    1966 Oldsmobile Toronado - currently NOT on jackstands

  6. #26
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaxtonShelby View Post
    You got it wick - that's the POS that smashed me.

    I talked to the manager at Airport Auto Body ( on Stoops Ferry Road ) a few minutes ago and he thinks the adjuster will consider it a total loss. I just hope I get a few $$ out of the car to use toward something new...
    That sucks buddy. Can you believe that POS is still there?
    1 Monte SS. White.

    Banned dates
    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  7. #27
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    That sucks buddy. Can you believe that POS is still there?
    I hear ya wick. The last 2 days I've had to pass that POS in the morning and after work when I'm driving past Bayer on my way to drop off my 2 year old Lilly at daycare in Imperial.

    As I headed down the on-ramp yesterday where the accident happened, I drove very slowly - and didn't even see 1 foot of skidmarks. The old fart didn't even try to slow's crazy how lucky I am not to be hurt other than some compressed vertabrae in my neck. But it's nothing that 4-6 weeks of visits to the chiropractor won't fix...

    BoneCrusher ( Mike ) is a chiropractor and has been a great help to me, offering a lot of sound advice regarding my physical and legal situations. If I was on his side of town I would be seeing him for the therapy I need. Thanks BC!!
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
    12.76 @ 114.04 bone stock. Koni yellow coil-overs, BMR watts, LCA and LCA relo brackets, Borla S-type axle back.

    1966 Coupe - 331 stroker - Bullet custom roller cam - cam and motor installed and dyno tuned by Rodeheavers Hot Rod - Astro A5 - McLeod RXT - 486 to the wheels - more fun than my little tires can handle

    1966 Oldsmobile Toronado - currently NOT on jackstands

  8. #28
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    sorry - doubled this up somehow...
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
    12.76 @ 114.04 bone stock. Koni yellow coil-overs, BMR watts, LCA and LCA relo brackets, Borla S-type axle back.

    1966 Coupe - 331 stroker - Bullet custom roller cam - cam and motor installed and dyno tuned by Rodeheavers Hot Rod - Astro A5 - McLeod RXT - 486 to the wheels - more fun than my little tires can handle

    1966 Oldsmobile Toronado - currently NOT on jackstands

  9. #29
    Member BoneCrusher's Avatar
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    Hey Ron glad to hear everything's progressing well. I know it's a PITA right now but the 4-6 weeks you put in now will make a big difference down the road. Glad to help keep me posted bud.

  10. #30
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    Ok - I'm digging this thread out of the archives - but for a good reason!

    I bought the car back from the insurance company and sold it for $200 ( what the insurance company charged me ) to a buddy. It took him a while, but finally, in August ( last month ) he finally had time to get the car gutted, caged, and fully prepped for the enduro race at Lernerville.

    I had to see the car in action, so I took the family up there to watch the school bus races and the enduro race.

    They started announcing the enduro participants. 10 cars. 20 cars. Geez - this is a pretty big field! Don't see my SHO yet. 30 cars. 40 cars. WTF? Anyway, finally - the SHO comes out in the 21st row in the 62nd starting position. Joe is a really good driver, but that's a long way back, even for a 100 lap race.

    In the end, Joe worked his way all the way up to a 2nd place finish. The SHO had a periodic miss around 4k rpms, but for most of the race he ran it in 2nd gear at 7000 rpm! Gotta love the Yamahammer 3.0!!

    After the race he immediately registered for the next enduro race, which was a week or so ago. He found out that your starting position is based on the order in which you register for the race. So this time he started in 12th place - a little better! The car was still missing a bit in the midrange, but ran ok. He was gaining spots until someone slammed rode up onto his front passenger fender, and flattened his front right tire. So he had to pit, and when he came back onto the course with a new tire, he was 5 laps down. He worked his way back, and the car was really running well, and he gained back 2-3 laps and was the fastest car on the track. With less than 2 laps remaining, as he came around for the white flag, his front right tire gave him more trouble. There had been some rain during the race, which made the track really tacky. The car was pushing really hard in the corners, which puts a huge load on the front right wheel. Anyway, the steel rim actually broke off all around the lugs, and the tire and most of the rim left the car, rolled across the track - into the pits - and straight into the water buffalo truck. BOOM!!!!! But Joe pressed on, and drove the last 1.25 laps on the rotor, leaving a 2 inch deep gouge in the track all the way around. The SHO's don't have posi, so the rotor was actually the drive wheel.

    So Joe ended up in 5th place, about 2 laps down. The four cars that finished ahead of him never had to leave the track for any reason.

    So, the SHO now has 200 laps of enduro experience, with a 2nd place ( out of 63 cars ) and a 5th place ( out of 90+ cars ). Not too shabby!!

    He just found out that the miss at 4k rpms is due to the fuel pump not being up to snuff. So once a new pump is in there and the car pulls strong all the time the rest of the field is in trouble.

    Anyway, that's the happy ending to this story.
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
    12.76 @ 114.04 bone stock. Koni yellow coil-overs, BMR watts, LCA and LCA relo brackets, Borla S-type axle back.

    1966 Coupe - 331 stroker - Bullet custom roller cam - cam and motor installed and dyno tuned by Rodeheavers Hot Rod - Astro A5 - McLeod RXT - 486 to the wheels - more fun than my little tires can handle

    1966 Oldsmobile Toronado - currently NOT on jackstands

  11. #31
    Nothing clever to say.... jaa55's Avatar
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    That really sucks, same thing happened to my mom.

    She delivers mail, she was pulled off along the road on a WIDE berm. Some old guy came flying along 50 in a 35 and slammed into the rear of her car which was pulled off the road lights flashing and all. Turns out the guy is like 80 has cataracts and is basically blind.

    She already had back problems and was hurt in the accident, the Jeep which was a right hand drive perfect shape was totalled. His insurance company screwed us, didnt pay for the medical bills and said the worth of the jeep was around 1800 dollars because it was a 96 and over 100k miles, like your going to replace a right hand drive for that.

    Long story short this has been over 4 years ago and we're still fighting them and about to give up. This was State Farm by the way
    03 Torch Red Anni. Ed. Cobra

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  12. #32
    MPG's, bitch! Mitternacht's Avatar
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    Wow, that's kinda crazy. Atleast the car had a better future than the junkyard.

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  13. #33
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    sorry to hear, glad no one was hurt too bad

  14. #34
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    Glad to hear the SHO finally made it to the track. I hope the car survives through the 3rd race - Joe is not easy on cars. Kinda makes me wonder how he drove my Cobra when he had it for 2 weeks.
    2016 GT Premium

  15. #35
    Kickin it Old School somethingclever's Avatar
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  16. #36
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    that stinks, put some ice on the neck... i am glad you are ok, it could have been alot worse...
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  17. #37
    Senior Member no1fordgirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaxtonShelby View Post
    Ok - I'm digging this thread out of the archives - but for a good reason!

    I bought the car back from the insurance company and sold it for $200 ( what the insurance company charged me ) to a buddy. It took him a while, but finally, in August ( last month ) he finally had time to get the car gutted, caged, and fully prepped for the enduro race at Lernerville.

    I had to see the car in action, so I took the family up there to watch the school bus races and the enduro race.

    They started announcing the enduro participants. 10 cars. 20 cars. Geez - this is a pretty big field! Don't see my SHO yet. 30 cars. 40 cars. WTF? Anyway, finally - the SHO comes out in the 21st row in the 62nd starting position. Joe is a really good driver, but that's a long way back, even for a 100 lap race.

    In the end, Joe worked his way all the way up to a 2nd place finish. The SHO had a periodic miss around 4k rpms, but for most of the race he ran it in 2nd gear at 7000 rpm! Gotta love the Yamahammer 3.0!!

    After the race he immediately registered for the next enduro race, which was a week or so ago. He found out that your starting position is based on the order in which you register for the race. So this time he started in 12th place - a little better! The car was still missing a bit in the midrange, but ran ok. He was gaining spots until someone slammed rode up onto his front passenger fender, and flattened his front right tire. So he had to pit, and when he came back onto the course with a new tire, he was 5 laps down. He worked his way back, and the car was really running well, and he gained back 2-3 laps and was the fastest car on the track. With less than 2 laps remaining, as he came around for the white flag, his front right tire gave him more trouble. There had been some rain during the race, which made the track really tacky. The car was pushing really hard in the corners, which puts a huge load on the front right wheel. Anyway, the steel rim actually broke off all around the lugs, and the tire and most of the rim left the car, rolled across the track - into the pits - and straight into the water buffalo truck. BOOM!!!!! But Joe pressed on, and drove the last 1.25 laps on the rotor, leaving a 2 inch deep gouge in the track all the way around. The SHO's don't have posi, so the rotor was actually the drive wheel.

    So Joe ended up in 5th place, about 2 laps down. The four cars that finished ahead of him never had to leave the track for any reason.

    So, the SHO now has 200 laps of enduro experience, with a 2nd place ( out of 63 cars ) and a 5th place ( out of 90+ cars ). Not too shabby!!

    He just found out that the miss at 4k rpms is due to the fuel pump not being up to snuff. So once a new pump is in there and the car pulls strong all the time the rest of the field is in trouble.

    Anyway, that's the happy ending to this story.

    That's great! Enduro races are fun. Used to score for my brother years ago. Glad things worked out and good luck to him on his next race
    United We 'Stang
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  18. #38
    Senior Member 89 vert's Avatar
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    Thats a cool story, its nice to hear that the SHO got away from the scrapper. Your buddy must be one hell of a driver!!!

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  19. #39
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    Thats cool, a friend of mine has an enduro Grand prix that he ran at the motor drome. Damn near lapped the 3rd place car when the engine started knocking. Who knew you could actually blow a 3800 series 2 engine?
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  20. #40
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 89 vert View Post
    Thats a cool story, its nice to hear that the SHO got away from the scrapper. Your buddy must be one hell of a driver!!!
    ...and the SHO is badazzzzzz!!!!!
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
    12.76 @ 114.04 bone stock. Koni yellow coil-overs, BMR watts, LCA and LCA relo brackets, Borla S-type axle back.

    1966 Coupe - 331 stroker - Bullet custom roller cam - cam and motor installed and dyno tuned by Rodeheavers Hot Rod - Astro A5 - McLeod RXT - 486 to the wheels - more fun than my little tires can handle

    1966 Oldsmobile Toronado - currently NOT on jackstands

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