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Thread: I need opinions

  1. #1
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    I need opinions

    I just said forget it and decided to man up and just keep my 95 till i get out of school and just leave it the way it is and save up money for a a car for when i get out of school (hoping a termy) once i am settled in, but i hang out with a bunch of chevy guys and they said that the lsx motor is better than the cobra.. I do not want to start any fights or any harsh words bashing one or the other, but my question is if you had to pick one or the other would you guys stick with your cobra or if you would you get an lsx car? And could you post the reasons why you answered the way you did.. THanks guys
    Last edited by u1arunit; 01-31-2008 at 10:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
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    I love my Cobra. I don't like the 'regular' LSx cars.

    I have had Vettes, Camaros, two Grand Nationals, and three Stangs now. I don't care for GM's quality or look over the Fords.

    The only car that I see as being a step up from my car is a new Z06 Vette. I wouldn't take a 'regular' Vette over my car at all.
    LeMans Blue Z06

  3. #3
    EVERYTHING'S FOR SALE 92306gt's Avatar
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    im a die hard ford guy and the cobra is first on my list but you cant go wrong with the lsx motors. they are reliable and with a few of the right mods, they fly.

  4. #4
    SCS Addict Stangman701's Avatar
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    I'd have to agree with Mark on this one. I wouldn't get rid of my car to get an F-body or a GTO. I would consider going for a regular C5/C6 vette, I'd call that a lateral movement I guess. C6Z would be nice, but not worth the $$ IMO.
    2015 Charger Hellcat
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  5. #5
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    ok, i didnt say anything wrong in my other post i didnt think no biggie

    I really like the cobra's, think they sound great, their performance speaks for itself, and they're good looking cars - but i'm the exact opposite of Mark... i really dont like mustang interior in any way, shape or form, and i think that Trans Am's and Vettes look 10x better than any mustang.... ( i do however like the look of a cobra more than a plain-jane camaro).... I don't feel that ford quality is any better or worse than that of GM, and in all honesty i've had more issues with fords in the past than any GM vehicle... Only Ford i've ever owned and liked is the one i currently have - but that's b/c of looks/feel - havent had it long enough to know if it'll cause me issues...

    I think it all depends on what you wanna do with it... If you don't want to throw much money at it and mod it too much, the cobras are much easier modded to 500whp than a LSx car... but a LSx car is much cheaper to buy in the first place (greater supply), & if you love to mod the thing and tinker around, for less $ overall, you can have one hell of a monster

    But more seriously, in the time i've known you, you've gone back and forth 8 billion times over what you want... i say get something and stick with the damn thing!!!!!!! LOL
    Last edited by SonofaBish; 01-31-2008 at 11:30 AM.
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  6. #6
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
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    Nothing was wrong with the post bish. The OP (scott5) asked Terminator owners: "question is if you had to pick one or the other would you guys stick with your cobra or if you would you get an lsx car?"

    LeMans Blue Z06

  7. #7
    Senior Member Import Killer's Avatar
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    I Know This Post Was Suppose To Be For Termi Owners But My 01 Cobra I Love It, Never Had Any Problems With It Ive Had A 02 Trans Am Ws6 And The Car Was A Great Runner But was Down At Charppers 9 Times In 2 1/2 mths with either injector troubles or intake just a bunch of stuff and i also notice the inside was cheap the door pannels Were made out of hard plastic that cracked Over all the stangs ive had they have been great cars.

  8. #8
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    I apologize - I was not aware that this was directed specifically toward Terminator owners.... You can delete my second post as well then if you like. My bad
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  9. #9
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    no its ok bish.. I was actually going to text and ask you the same question.. Yea i do change my mind alot but i am sure on this though, just have to make up my mind on which one. I am not all about racing or having a 9 sec track car, i am more into having a nice and lil fast car to cruise with and just play around with, I like to mod it to make it mine and having a unique car. I will drive it and have fun with it, not sink every penny i have into it to make it the fastest car out there and let it sit in the garage all the time or trailer it somewhere. Thats just the way i feel. So thats what is making me pick either termy or lsx. Cause they take less mods to get bigger numbers than a 5.0 or a 4.6 na.

  10. #10
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    well if you want something unique, and that not everyone else with a similar car has, i'm pretty sure a termy is the wrong thing.... damn near every single terminator has the same mods done to it! - yes its b/c its a proven great way to make great power... not dogging it... but its the truth

    but you can feel free to msg me on AIM or gimme a call/txt sometime... since i'm sure no one wants to hear any LSx B.S. on here... however, i will give you an objective look at both sides... not be hell bent on convincing you that LS1 is the only way to go
    Last edited by SonofaBish; 01-31-2008 at 01:35 PM.
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  11. #11
    Senior Member blkp42e's Avatar
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    not to get into this pissing match. but you think there arent alot of people with the same LSx combo's?

    i mean z06 intake, a stall, gears, trex cam?

    nothing is new to anything anymore. i think a terminator is a tad more rare than the ta/camaro, but i dunno.

    ive always wanted a 02 SS

  12. #12
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blkp42e View Post
    not to get into this pissing match. but you think there arent alot of people with the same LSx combo's?

    i mean z06 intake, a stall, gears, trex cam?

    nothing is new to anything anymore. i think a terminator is a tad more rare than the ta/camaro, but i dunno.

    ive always wanted a 02 SS
    no its fine, ur not gonna offend me -

    but yea i don't think there are... the t-rex is outdated (just fyi lol) and there are 8 million different directions people go with the LSx combos, b/c its not as simple as just bolting on a pulley(or 2) and bam you have huge HP/TQ numbers (like the Cobra)... Yes b/c of how many F-bods there are out there, numerically, its likely that certain combos are very popular and there are lots of them, but % wise, there are just billions of different directions that people take....

    i'm just speaking off of what i've seen, i think terminators are just always the same stuff, time after time...

    However, i do agree with you that terminators - as a car - are much more rare than a f-bods.... BY FAR... e.g. , there were like 10,000 T/A's built each year from '98-'02... and what, only half of that, each '03 and '04 for the cobras?

    (i'm not sure if i'm conveying my point in words correctly) but too make cobra power, LS1's need Heads/Cam, and there are just sooo many directions you can go...

    edit: if you mean a mod as in Heads or a Cam, not a specific or certain heads/cam, then i see your point... i'm thinking of it as there are so many different h/c combinations, but if you mean in general, yea, LSx motors that compete with big power are all H/C cars (stalled if an auto)
    Last edited by SonofaBish; 01-31-2008 at 02:07 PM.
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  13. #13
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    However, either way....

    Scott, all i've heard you talk about for how long is getting a Cobra... Terminator this, terminator that... if you get a f-bod, you're still going to wish you had a termy b/c that's what you've had your heart set on for so long.... So, just get a Termy... if down the road you want an LSx, then get a LS342 vette (or w/e number they'll have on it by then) lol
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  14. #14
    On the down low cam303's Avatar
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    I would keep what you have and do a big cubic inch windsor. will be faster than either of your other two choices if done right and cheaper since you already have the 95.

  15. #15
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    both cars have their ups and downs, you know that you love your 95, so why not just keep it? it looks and runs good. Keep it, save your $ and when your ready get your cobra, OR your vette, T/A, whatever......youll have cash and you can make the decision then what you really want.....
    2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
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  16. #16
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cam303 View Post
    I would keep what you have and do a big cubic inch windsor. will be faster than either of your other two choices if done right and cheaper since you already have the 95.
    its not about just the fast factor. I want a fun car to drive that i will not need to put a lot of money into to make a FUN car. Yea i love cobras and am a ford guy but have rode in a few lsx cars and those are also fun and can compete with a termy. My friend has an ls1 t/a that ran mid 12s with an exhaust, 3.90s ( i think) and drag radials. So that is fast enough to me for a street car. I thought i was all about racing but i am more about meeting up with friends and just crusing.

    Bish, i wasnt meaning that it will cobras wont have the same setup i just meant its what makes the car yours and no one elses. Thats why i do mods personally. Thus the reason more money is in my interior and exterior rather than in the motor. It is slow and i know that but its fun to me.

  17. #17
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Scott, let's take our cars and run head on into each other at 120. Whoever walks away can take the ins. money and buy the Termie.

  18. #18
    ILLBEATU fastfox91's Avatar
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    why was my post deleted

  19. #19
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastfox91 View Post
    why was my post deleted
    the mod was watching when you posted. he's offline now. mine will be gone, too.

  20. #20
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    I never liked how there is that big hump in the front passenger floor pan area on the F body cars. Most of the engine is under the firewall, which makes them more difficult to work on IMO. It all comes down to what you like best. I love the 5.0 based cars due to their simplicity.
    2016 GT Premium

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