I just happen to be bored and got on craigslist for the first time tonite. Im in the market for an f-150 but thought anything newer than an '04 was out of my price range at the moment. HOwever i stumbled upon this 2006 F-150 Fx4 supercrew. Has everything i want but it has leather and im not a big leather fan but for the price of $12000! i think i can deal with it. THat price to me seems waaaaaaay below value and with only 7,xxx miles, somehting just doesnt seem right. I emailed the guy and asked if the price was right and were there any other details to the truck so i am waiting to hear from him. I was wondering what everyone thought on the price of this truck? seems something just doesnt feel right about it? and the rims are a lil tacky but again for 12000 for a basically brand new truck..i can deal with it. Let me know what you think.
Here's the link: