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Thread: Driveshaft Help!

  1. #1
    Almost Done Black87GT's Avatar
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    Selinsgrove, PA

    Driveshaft Help!

    Well, as some of you know ive had a problem with my car shaking at like 75mph+, and most of you that responed said since i can feel it in my shifter, and clutch pedal and not my steering wheel, said that most likely its my driveshaft (stock), is there anyway to look into this or check the driveshaft to see if it is the problem? without actually getting a new 1 and testing it....

    would be a big help if there is anyway to find out.. because i need to get this fixed ASAP!!

    Thanks SCS!!

    1. wild animal : a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a sturdy square body, large cubic inches, a wide RPM range , and comes in many colors. Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of power and acceleration. They feed on mostly small rodents like rats(BBC) , mice (SBC) and snakes(Cobras).

  2. #2
    ILLBEATU fastfox91's Avatar
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    i have a drive shaft. im in huntingdon pa which isnt to far from u 40.00 its yours i know there is nothing wrong with it. just came off a running car.

  3. #3
    Sexy and i know it fast4ord's Avatar
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    If you had your driveshaft seperated from the rearend lately possibly you put it back together upside down. Try to unbolt the dshaft from the rearend and rotate the driveshaft in relation to the rearend and bolt it back up and see it that helps. The stock shafts are balanced to the rearends. Could be worn u joints, even as far off as a harmonic balancer, but i would lean toward the driveshaft being off in relation to the rearend. Good luck.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member coralcoupe1993's Avatar
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    My old Vert had a major vibration issue. I went throug 3 shafts before I found one that wasnt bent. Over the years I have had 4-5 Foxs and guess I hurt drive shafts and kept them....

    I ended up tossing 3 drive shafts only keeping alum ones.

    Wick had the same vibration issue.
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  5. #5
    Member 94REDGT's Avatar
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    you can get the driveshaft checked theres a place in lawrenceville called Pittsburgh Driveshaft I had one checked there cost me around 35.00 But its a ride from wherre you are ....Its on Butler Street.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Killercanary's Avatar
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    As 94RedGT mentioned, you could always have it checked. There is a place by Nanty Glo called Dolan's that will check it and its balance for a minimal amount of cash. If its speed related its something from the mainshaft of the tranny back. I fought terrible vibrations in my car and replaced EVERYTHING and it turned out to mainly be caused by a mis alignment of my transmission. Do you have a stock T5 and bell housing?

    1995 GT 'vert
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  7. #7
    Almost Done Black87GT's Avatar
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    yeah i have a stock t5 and bellhousing, with a zoom stage 3 clutch and flywheel, with stock driveshaft..
    1. wild animal : a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a sturdy square body, large cubic inches, a wide RPM range , and comes in many colors. Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of power and acceleration. They feed on mostly small rodents like rats(BBC) , mice (SBC) and snakes(Cobras).

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