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Thread: Gota Go

  1. #21
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
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    Just in case you forget to check I K, here is the rule thread for classifieds:

    Thanks again.
    LeMans Blue Z06

  2. #22
    Senior Member Import Killer's Avatar
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    Washington, Pa
    wow sounds like you gota little to much free time on your hands...

    as for my attention you only got it because i think its unfair certain members can post any dumb A** Ignorant S*** They Want And Not Be Told Anything But Others Cant?

    my method of sale? i feel like a salesman now

    my method of sale is like any other members who is trying to make a buck post it up and keep gone til its sold.

    now i know your the "super moderater"of the site and you'll probably ban me but its ok..i didnt know that there was rules to saling on the site..

    iam sorry for the misunderstanding but theres alot of people that makes this site all that it is:

    first bass..
    and all the members that truly love stangs

    so just cause you have that title doesnt intimadate me
    because in my eyes its like being 1st place in the special olympics
    it makes you feel good but it doesnt mean sh**

    so again it was a accident and iam glad the other 2 members told you so it all got cleared up and if i get banned for not knowing and then speaking my mind thats fine...

    thanks again

    Quote Originally Posted by u1arunit View Post
    At least I've got your attention now.

    I have a whole list of rules that are already well written up and can be posted at any time. The problem with that is that *most* of the members wouldn't be able to follow the rules. Never the less you are my inspiration for posting it up tonight and you will see it as a sticky later.

    Now, specifically regarding the problem that I have with your method of sales:

    It was brought to my attention that you have had many duplicate posts for the same stuff. I was informed of this by two other mods and Lou has also deleted some of your stuff.

    If you think that what we are asking isn't fair then please by all means take your stuff to craigs list or pay to sell it on ebay.

  3. #23
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Import Killer View Post
    wow sounds like you gota little to much free time on your hands...

    as for my attention you only got it because i think its unfair certain members can post any dumb A** Ignorant S*** They Want And Not Be Told Anything But Others Cant?

    my method of sale? i feel like a salesman now

    my method of sale is like any other members who is trying to make a buck post it up and keep gone til its sold.

    now i know your the "super moderater"of the site and you'll probably ban me but its ok..i didnt know that there was rules to saling on the site..

    iam sorry for the misunderstanding but theres alot of people that makes this site all that it is:

    first bass..
    and all the members that truly love stangs

    so just cause you have that title doesnt intimadate me
    because in my eyes its like being 1st place in the special olympics
    it makes you feel good but it doesnt mean sh**

    so again it was a accident and iam glad the other 2 members told you so it all got cleared up and if i get banned for not knowing and then speaking my mind thats fine...

    thanks again
    Just so we are clear here. I don't care if you're intimidated by me and my title or not. I swear people think we get paid to put up with the stupid shit that goes on here. <shaking my head>

    I am asked to keep order on the site and especially in the classified section. It's simple really now you know the rules and the decision to follow them or not can only be made by you.

    I never said a word about banning you. You must be paranoid.

    I can tell you one thing, when I need to deal with childish shit I do feel retarded. I must be as I volunteer to help on this site for FREE.

    Anyway, about that ban you want. You're well on your way. Keep up the good work champ. You're special. ;)
    LeMans Blue Z06

  4. #24
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    Tim I highly doubt Mark ment anything personal or offensive by what he put.....i dont really see a reason for you to get so pissed lol.

    And the 01 cobra wing the same as my wing? or is it shaped different?
    2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
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  5. #25
    Senior Member
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    its the same as 01-04 gt wings.


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