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Thread: Help with Supercharger?

  1. #1
    Almost Done Black87GT's Avatar
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    Help with Supercharger?

    Ok, well i might be getting a supercharger soon, and ive been looking at getting a vortech s trim.. but what i was wondering is, will stock heads, and cam on a still speed density car have any problems using this?

    Any input will be appreciated!

    Thanks SCS!
    1. wild animal : a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a sturdy square body, large cubic inches, a wide RPM range , and comes in many colors. Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of power and acceleration. They feed on mostly small rodents like rats(BBC) , mice (SBC) and snakes(Cobras).

  2. #2
    Got Boost?
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    I know the heads and cam wont be a problem. Ran stock stuff on mine for two years. The speed density thing i dont know about since ive never dealt with one.
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  3. #3
    Almost Done Black87GT's Avatar
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    and also what else will i need to change? because i still have stock injectors, and stock fuel pump... and ive read ill need a new fuel pump and high # injectors. is this true?
    1. wild animal : a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a sturdy square body, large cubic inches, a wide RPM range , and comes in many colors. Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of power and acceleration. They feed on mostly small rodents like rats(BBC) , mice (SBC) and snakes(Cobras).

  4. #4
    Got Boost?
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    If you want to run the system with your stock stuff you CAN but youll need to run the fmu provided with the kit. I would at LEAST upgrade the fuel pump and run the fmu. IF you want to do it RIGHT, id get some 42# injectors and a 255 pump and that way you can ditch the fmu.

    Dont get me wrong you can do it either way, but your prob going to need a custom tune to get it running good.
    2013 Race Red F-150 Screw FX4 Ecoboost

    1994 Rio Red GT
    10.60 @122.88

  5. #5
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    yea a 255 and 42# injectors are a good upgrade. My buddy has an s-trim he was thinking of selling if your interested

  6. #6
    Almost Done Black87GT's Avatar
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    Well what do you guys think the smartest thing would be to do right now.. get the s-trim, or should i wait on that and just get twisted wedge heads and some kind of cam for now?

    1. wild animal : a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a sturdy square body, large cubic inches, a wide RPM range , and comes in many colors. Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of power and acceleration. They feed on mostly small rodents like rats(BBC) , mice (SBC) and snakes(Cobras).

  7. #7
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Pinks All Out #189 349Stroker's Avatar
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    you better change this car over to mass air if you wanna do anything to it.I mean you can go out and and spend quite a buit of money on a custom tune but I'm not sure if that will even work with a supercharger.You can't put any good cam in with speed density either w/o a tune

    as for the fuel I'd put a GSS 340 intank pump and an inline with 42's since you are going to need a tune anyways you might as well put the big stuff in now that way you don't have to change it later
    Last edited by 349Stroker; 03-09-2008 at 06:47 PM.
    88 GT...and some boost

  9. #9
    Got Boost?
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    S-trim. 11.2 @ 120 on stock heads and stock cam. Your not gonna see that with just a head and cam swap without some serious modifications.
    2013 Race Red F-150 Screw FX4 Ecoboost

    1994 Rio Red GT
    10.60 @122.88

  10. #10
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 349Stroker View Post
    you better change this car over to mass air if you wanna do anything to it.
    not to take it too far off topic while simultaneously starting a holy war, but why do you say this?

  11. #11
    Pinks All Out #189 349Stroker's Avatar
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    cam,injector and also blower/turbo changes need a meter to adjust to the changes in air flow

    A mass air conversion would be the easiest and cheapest way to do this.You can prolly chip tune these changes as well.I am not definately sure though

    You changed the cam and injectors and you are going to put the car into very rich condition and it isn't gonna run well at all
    88 GT...and some boost

  12. #12
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 349Stroker View Post
    cam,injector and also blower/turbo changes need a meter to adjust to the changes in air flow

    A mass air conversion would be the easiest and cheapest way to do this.You can prolly chip tune these changes as well.I am not definately sure though

    You changed the cam and injectors and you are going to put the car into very rich condition and it isn't gonna run well at all
    I'll give tuning simplicity to mass air based on my understanding of it.

    However, isn't speed density though simply solving PV=nRT?

    Adding a blower simply changes the range that P can take on (and indirectly T). It seems to me it comes down to a question of how hard it is to tweak the VE tables.

    EDIT - this was interesting from a car craft article though:
    On radical engines (those with cam duration over 240 degrees at 0.050 or less than 10 inches of idle vacuum), even user-programmable Speed Density systems have difficulty due to an erratic or insufficient manifold vacuum signal.
    So yeah, mass air given his blower AND cam change is probably the best choice.
    Last edited by phillysrt4; 03-11-2008 at 12:13 PM.

  13. #13
    Almost Done Black87GT's Avatar
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    just a blower change, wont be changing cam yet, prolly will do some sort of supercharger, then convert to mass air when i have more money, then heads cam ect..
    1. wild animal : a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a sturdy square body, large cubic inches, a wide RPM range , and comes in many colors. Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of power and acceleration. They feed on mostly small rodents like rats(BBC) , mice (SBC) and snakes(Cobras).

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