If you're 20 and you're NOT a liberal, you have no heart.
If you're 40 and you're NOT a conservative, you have no brain.
If you're 20 and you're NOT a liberal, you have no heart.
If you're 40 and you're NOT a conservative, you have no brain.
2019 Colorado ZR2
these threads are kind of worthless because no matter which side you support both are going to sit here and argues who is right etc etc etc.
i learned a long time ago to keep my politics and religion to myself.![]()
[quote=PSPstang;96622]these threads are kind of worthless because no matter which side you support both are going to sit here and argues who is right etc etc etc.
I have to respectfully disagree with this statement. There has been alot of factual information presented in the prior posts. Not the type of rhetoric that the candidates or the media try to instill in the American public, rather we are hearing the views of the members of this site, the American voting public. Debating topics are a good thing. I think that some of the info in these threads may enlighten people's way of thinking come November, regardless of their political ties
Here is the thing guys.
There are a lot of people who vote in the USA who have no clue. They here someone saying I like Mr. So and So. If you hear it enough, you'll say to yourself " I think I'll vote for Mr. So and So". You won't know why but they are someone who is familiar to you so that's your choice.
Where does the information come from that you hear.
1) TV - News, Political Adds, etc.
2) Billboards
3) School, Highschool / College
4) Unions and social groups
5) Family
6) Church?
7) Hollywood and similar media such as MTV etc (lead by the actors who flock around the "Cool Candidate")
All seven sources share the same focus on who THEY want. THEY all TELL YOU who YOU should vote for. And most people do just that because they want to "FIT IN" with the "Cool Candidate Crowd".
This tread bought up the issue and has been used by people to voice their opinions. People are THINKING about what is said, good or bad, agreed to or not. You do not normal get the information and different opinions from the seven media sources listed.
Some people who posted on this subject are trying to post serious information and others are putting out unsubstantiated information with no reason that would allow other people to understand why they are making their statements. People WANT to hear what you have to say! If someone has something to offer, I would love to hear their statements and have the opportunity to hear why they made their statements.
If I was 20 years old and still living at home and having Mom/Dad taking care of everything, my outlook to this election would be different. If your living, paying bills/mortgages etc. and trying to make ends meet then the seriousness of this election hits you in the face. My focus went away from playing with the Stang on weekends and having fun to talking care of the house and my girlfriends house/kids. That is life and the way it is.
There are people on this site who are getting upset by the content or the responses. No one should upset or agitated by the responses. People should be very concerned by this group of candidiates. They ALL are not the best. Each one has their own policy and plan for the government. That government plan is going to impact people because WE are going to be the people who fund their plan. Their plan is going to dictate the ecomony and ALL consumable items WE buy and pay for.
The wrong person in the "seat" will smack us on the chin and the wallet.
So when you all vote, you definitely need to know what their plan for the government is.
For the younger guys, your getting the opportunity to hear what regular people are saying instead of the seven informations medias I listed.
So "Say the Word". We want to hear what you have to say.
I am sure there are people on this site pissed about me and my post. Sorry guys, I am just stating the facts and my opinion.
In my job, I make hard decisions everyday. To make those decisions, I use all the data I can get my hands on. If you have all the information, the Probablility of you making the right choice is a lot higher then someone making the popular EASY choice.
I have learned that life is not a popularity contest but an ethical journey.
Too Bad the candidates don't make that same choice.
I got behihnd his motorcade the other day on the way to pick up my 92 off PSP. They had 3 buses and all kinds of State boy's and black escalades around them. Then they got off 66 and made a wrong turn the poor cops were all mixed up.![]()
I just received this from a guy I know. I did not read his book (NOR WANT TO) to research these quotes but if they are true, this guy is hidding alot more then we could ever imagine:
Obama's words... direct and damning quotes from his own books
Do we really think we are going to pay the debt for slavery by electing this man??? The last quote is particularly concerning. . .
Below are a few lines from Obama's books“HIS WORDS :
From Dreams of My Father: I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.
From Dreams of My Father : I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mothers race.
FromDreams of My Father: There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.
From Dreams of My Father: It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.
From Dreams of My Father: I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.
From Audacity of Hope: I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
And why isw it people vote for this shitbag? He is not a Patriot in any means. If he supports those muslims so much why don't he go become their leader in their homelands not ours. I'm starting to like the cigar pumpin bill's wife more and more. As a soldier you support god country and the commander and chief. What will they say now ? God country and some muslim idiot pretending to be commander and chief?
2001 Dodge 2500 The Big Bad "D"
4" exhaust,38"MTZ's,5.5 Fabtech Lift,Cold air intake,Silencer ring MIA,Smarty tuner,Edge Drag comp, 64/71/.80 s300 turbo 175hp injectors.
321Hp/783Tq New power numbers this spring.
1987 Dodge 1/2 ton gasser 4x4 "jr"
Ricers: For those who don't have the balls or skills to drive American Muscle.
Not cool cause I don't drive a mustang anymore.
Got Smoke?
Who would have thought the Pennsylvania vote would be such a deciding factor.
I know that this thread had vanished. It's time to do what you all have to do.
If you want a man who has been "spoon fed" racism and blows it off, you'll pick Osama...I mean Obama.
Forget what he said about "Small Town Pennsylvania (white) People who are lost in their religion and guns. Damn that statement was low but typical of the Obama hidden agenda(s). I am sure he did not want that to leak out. True feelings seem to slide out of this guy like gas coming out of a cow who ate cabbage.
We ALL are looked at by this guy as bumpkins. We are people who are backwards, and deserving of racist "REVEREND DAVID DUKE WRIGHT'S" statements. WE DESERVE HIM to lead our pathetic asses because WE can't take care of our self.
Send the message that we do not appreciate voting for someone who is a racist, fake and a liar. He keeps showing his true colors. No matter how hard he tried, his hidden agendas keep popping up.
This guy is the biggest phony I have ever seen. Here is our chance to send him packing.
It's amazing that you have a candidate that has a resume so thin that he should not even be in this position except for him being black.
Geraldine Ferraro said that was was "black balled" by the Democrats. The Truth Really HURTS is seems.
What do you expect from me? I am just one of those typical white person that Obama talks about...... who can see this guy is a phony from the get go.
Here is a question I would ask of anyone on this site. Would you take any of your savings, 401K or any other cash you have and give someone your money to invest if the investor had a resume as thin as this guy has for a Presidential candidate?
Hell No. No one would give their money to someone with the lack of background that this guy has.
But here we are ready to give OBama the keys to the country or the US of KKKA as Rev Wright would say.
I laugh at the commercials that repeatily says "Barack Obama CARES FOR US".
For the record, NO CANDIDATE, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN, WILL BE ABLE TO LOWER THE PRICE OF GAS. If you all believe that they can you need to pick up an Ecomonics Book and read the section on Supply vs Demand.
Where did they get the "Sheeple" for that commercial...UGH
I was waiting for the next comericial playing the "Underdog" Theme saying.....
"There is no need to fear....OBAMA MAN is here!!!
What a PHONY!!
Enough said. You all know a liar when you see one.
Show this bonehead that the bumpkins from the small towns in Pennsylvania are smarter then he thinks.
See this guy for what he is and vote against him.
My prediction - Hillary will win PA tomorrow.
im not voting at all and never will.....it doesnt matter anyway, no one could vote and someone would magically get in....America is a pack of lies and always will be.
2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1931 Ford Model A - Project
1991 BMW 325iX
1978 Ford F150
1952 Ford F2 - Project
2001 Mustang GT - gone but never forgotten. RIP.
Your response showed no tangable content to allow anyone to understand what you are talking about.
So what are the lies? Be specific!
What are you using as a reference to determine what are the lies that America continuously has?
Was that what some liberal high school teacher taught you?
Memorizing a repeated agenda and spewing out a vague statement shows conditioning, not the ability to think.
The fact you are here being able to make such a clueless comment shows the system, that not always perfect, does work.
If this was one of the Communist / Socialist country's in the world, (you know the one's your liberal high school teacher told you that does not lie), a statement like that would cause a knock on your door at 3:00am and someone to disappear.
But this is the United States and the countless people over the years who died to protect your right to say what you want and even bash the country that allows you to be anything you want to be.
And even your right to make a statement and VOTE.
People can make the difference if they want to.
If you not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
So anyone who does not vote, has no reason to say anything.
Just let people make your decisions for you. They will.
There is more in real life then the numbers on the gas pump and being able to polich a valve cover.
You'll figure it out one day.
It's D-Day!! Time to vote for Ron Paul![]()
I was watching the news on my lunch break. He just looked like he knew he was defeated in pa. His appearance at Pamela's was pathetic.
First of all, my friend, that is my personal opinion, not what i was told.
Second, I appreciate your input but that does not mean i have to believe what you believe.
Third, I made no reference to any branch of the service and hold each of them in my highest respects.
Fourth, what i was taught in the matter was by a COLLEGE PROFESSOR who is PUBLISHED....but i guess he's wrong.
Fifth, donstang if you were to run for president, i would vote for you.....im just saying that to me, no matter who gets the presidency its a no-win situation.
Last edited by 2001GTTT; 04-22-2008 at 09:38 PM.
2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1931 Ford Model A - Project
1991 BMW 325iX
1978 Ford F150
1952 Ford F2 - Project
2001 Mustang GT - gone but never forgotten. RIP.
I kind of have a different approach to that "Right to bash your own country". Sure, You have that right but, to me they are dishonoring all those men and women who died to let them. To me thats wrong. They sell plane tickets every day. Burn a flag move to canada or some other shit hole. Bash the United states your bashing the 100's of thousands who die for those rights taken so lightly. Same with O'bama. Don't salute it get the Fook out of the country. He does not deserve to walk on the soil of this great nation and those who served or are serveing it. I served I know several others on here did. My father did was a P.O.W for a time as well. So, piss on anyone who bash's these states.
2001 Dodge 2500 The Big Bad "D"
4" exhaust,38"MTZ's,5.5 Fabtech Lift,Cold air intake,Silencer ring MIA,Smarty tuner,Edge Drag comp, 64/71/.80 s300 turbo 175hp injectors.
321Hp/783Tq New power numbers this spring.
1987 Dodge 1/2 ton gasser 4x4 "jr"
Ricers: For those who don't have the balls or skills to drive American Muscle.
Not cool cause I don't drive a mustang anymore.
Got Smoke?
clinton wins PA
ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt
2003 polaris predator 500
(wanna ride,just pm me!!!)
[quote=2001GTTT;101770]First of all, my friend, that is my personal opinion, not what i was told.
Second, I appreciate your input but that does not mean i have to believe what you believe.
Third, I made no reference to any branch of the service and hold each of them in my highest respects.
Fourth, what i was taught in the matter was by a COLLEGE PROFESSOR who is PUBLISHED....but i guess he's wrong.
Yes, we all have opinions and we all can choose our opinions and beliefs.
You do not have to believe what I believe or anyone else. It's called being a responsible adult.
No, you made no reference to bashing any branch of the service...directly.
Bashing the United States bashes everyone, past & present who gave us the ability to sit here and pursue our dreams/desires.
Your first and fourth statement contradict each other.
Most people with similar outlooks have the same background that results in the same statements. You have been influenced by a "Programmer".
Understand the teachers/professors in Elementary, Junior High, High School and College were all students and hired by their institutions to perform a JOB. These are people who go from being a student to intern and then to instructor without leaving the safe walls of academia. The trials and tribulations of the real world were never a part of a majority of their lives. They do not see the results of their ideology. They use their position to disperse their politics into the young students who believe that the school/college is an idealistic institution. Most of the influence occurs in High School and college.
RULE #1 College is NOT an idealistic institution, it's a business, pure and simple. College is your means to an end and that is it. Your goal is to do the time, get the "sheep skin" and get a job when you graduate. Like all businesses, colleges have different levels of professionalism and ethics. The Rudy thing and Notre Dame is just for the movies.
Their business is straight forward. Get as much money from the students they can and hand you all the "paper" as a reward. They offer you a service and you pay the price for the service. And that service has to do with various core classes and my favorites,THE ELECTIVES.
Why do you think you take classes that have nothing to do with anything dealing with your degree? Which goes back to your professor. He was probably some Western Civ or Social Study class instructor. The fact he was published means nothing. There are Serial Killers who have memoirs published. Continue to rule #2.
RULE #2 High School College Teachers/Professors are not an idealistic individuals but people who are working a job. Their job is to provide an instructor which allows the college to make MONEY (remember Rule#1 the College is a business). Like businesses, the professionalism and ethics vary with these instructors. These are college employees who use their years of academia to accumulate data, formulate class outlines and disperse their acquired data. The fact that they are instructors does NOT give them the ability to perform what they are teaching you in real world applications. It's easy to sit there and make statements when the ramifications of your statements have no impact on your career or your life.
A sports analogy would be "The best players are not always the best Coaches (or Instructors)."
So now you are about 18-20 years old and enrolled in your college. Your visions of the college are idealistic and you look up to the instructor as being an ethical mentor who will help mold you into an intellectual member of society. You have no idea that Professor Needle-Dick is just an employee of a college with questionable ethics and/or agendas who has you right where he wants you. He can meet the requirements of his job, allow you to meet the necessary requirements to pass his class and go to the next level. But by doing that, he can use his position and stature to influence you with his opinions and agendas. You are young, bushy eyed and optimistic. You are there for the paper chase and have no idea what you are in-store for. You have no reason to doubt this person because you are at a fine institution with this highly educated instructor. Why would you doubt anything he/she has to say?
You are a captive audience and their agendas is dispersed into the daily routine. A little at first, then some jokes about the group they don't agree about. There is a group discussion and then you are given a project (that mirrors the discussion) to investigate an issue that has to be viewed on the format (and agenda) as your instructor. They will give you guidance on where to find the information and you will interact with them regarding the status of your assignment. If your status does not reflect the instructors agenda, he/she will take a hard line with you and send you back with another quest for research that is closer to the instructors real agenda. You will do what you are supposed to do because you are at your idealistic institution and meeting the requirements of your highly educated and (ugh) ethical instructor. You will believe the results of your project match your instructor guided source data so what you were taught/guided to must be the truth. You have now been Conditioned / Programmed by the instructor to mirror their ideology. And no one knew but the instructor. You get your class credits, you go to the next class with the idealology imbedded into your being. It's just like how a child molester brings in his victims. Pretty scary huh.
The Soviet Union uses similar techniques in the indoctrination of their children to inject their propaganda into the easily molded thoughts/heads of their children.
Bet I just described your Published Professor Needle-dick. The only thing he did not do at the completion of your class is yell "GOT YOU"
Not every instructor has distorted agendas. There are ethical instructors. If your instructor and/or future instructors match the description I gave, the chances are he/she is one of the "Programmers."
Students Beware!!!
So screw what you have been taught by this guy. Be part of the solution and not the problem. Be objective, do your homework. Facts are FACTS.
If America is full of lies, why do boatloads of Cubans and Mexicans risk their lives by trying to come to this country.
So what does this have to do with the election? The "Programmers" have been doing their deeds for years. This is how they reap their rewards. They influence people for the sole purpose of supporting their distorted idealology.
Don't let someone like him win. MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
But only you can make that decision.
WOW my eyes hurt now. lol. I see what your saying. I choose not to vote because I hate both mainstream candidates. bush is lining his pockets right now, so whos to say anyone else that goes in wont do the same?
Oh and you said my 4th statement contradicts my first...no...it doesnt. Opinion is me seeing/hearing everything around me and basing my conclusions off of experiences. A professor (from what you said above) "taught" me his point of view on the matter....fortunately im able to keep the two separate. And i apologize for wording "America is a pack of lies" the way i did....I ment to say that what the president says/does is a pack of lies. What you say is interesting, however, so please, continue.
one more thing: How do I know that your not just trying to conform everyone else to your ideas, like my needle dick professor?
Last edited by 2001GTTT; 04-23-2008 at 03:23 AM.
2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1931 Ford Model A - Project
1991 BMW 325iX
1978 Ford F150
1952 Ford F2 - Project
2001 Mustang GT - gone but never forgotten. RIP.
So you're comparing my higher education to pedophiles?
I voted and I do agree that people should vote but if they don't, I'm sure they have their own reasons for it.
But your opinion on higher education is a little distorted. It is a business but you get a little more than just a piece of paper when its all over. Sure there are some crappy professors and college isn't idealistic but what is?
'15 CLA250 4Matic / AMG Sport