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Thread: Still like Obama..?

  1. #61
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SV1000s View Post
    couple of things.....

    1. don't believe everything you hear or see on the news as most news is biased towards the democarts or republicans. BBC America is by far the best IMO as they "seem" to unbiasely report on all issues.
    2. I'm registered Independent for a few reasons....main one being I can't stand politicians as they're ALL crooked bastards and in it for themselves. I'm a liberal Republican and a conservative Democrat and i vote for whomever I please.
    3. saying you're democrat or republican and that you have to vote for your party is ridiculous. that's like saying that the only church around is presbyterian but since your catholic you won't go. God is God and church is church........
    4. politics is politics......who gives a damn about whether one or the other candidate(s) is democrat or for who you believe in your heart is the best candidate that fits your ideals.

    Chances are....4 years from now you'll be second guessing who should have been in office anyways!

    hit it right on the head neil....
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  2. #62
    73 2.3 Turbo Pinto map351's Avatar
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    When will the first city be Vaporized?

    This is the man that should be Prez!
    This is reality wake up people....
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  3. #63
    Senior Member SV1000s's Avatar
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    good old Newt should be running for Pres rather than McCain....

  4. #64
    Administrator burntire's Avatar
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    Obama Rules!
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  5. #65
    adult daycare speedracer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burntire View Post
    Obama Rules!

  6. #66
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burntire View Post
    Obama Rules!
    The sheeple
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  7. #67
    adult daycare speedracer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twin01cobra View Post
    The sheeple
    All that heat must be baking Jeff's skull.

  8. #68
    Administrator burntire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedracer View Post
    All that heat must be baking Jeff's skull.
    Obama or McCain. Humm I will talk the guy who didn't try to introduce legislation to limit Airline Pilots Salary and union rights.

    If it came down to it would you rather have Hilary?
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  9. #69
    Spoon Killer HidalgoGT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burntire View Post
    Obama or McCain. Humm I will talk the guy who didn't try to introduce legislation to limit Airline Pilots Salary and union rights.

    If it came down to it would you rather have Hilary?

  10. #70
    adult daycare speedracer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burntire View Post
    Obama or McCain. Humm I will talk the guy who didn't try to introduce legislation to limit Airline Pilots Salary and union rights.

    If it came down to it would you rather have Hilary?
    I don't like any of the choices. If made to pick one it would have to be the less liberal of the 3. (I'm not 100% sure who that is right now)

  11. #71
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    I'm a registered libertarian (I was a republican) who has tended to vote republican because the democratic candidate scared me enough to vote the other way (Gore, Kerry), but I don't think I'll be able to stomach voting for McCain this time. I'm really surprised how many people are willing to forget their freedoms (look at Obama's stance on gun control, scary) because he gets up there and talks about taking money from the rich? Since when is 200K rich? I'm sure there are plenty of people on this forum with families who gross 200K that aren't driving brand new s600's. That's if they even keep the tax increases to over 200K. I think you'll see it come down to 100K real quick and then it will be impacting pretty much every small business owner out there. And last time I checked we live in a free country, and I'm not sure that punishing people for success is right. But I will admit that after 8 years of what we had, everyone is ready for change, but I would've preferred a Ron Paul type of change, not Obama's borderline socialist world view.
    Last edited by Mark Aubele; 03-16-2008 at 12:59 PM.

  12. #72
    barack hussein obama

    I have a bad feeling about Obama. He has his racist Ex Minister on his staff. That guy, who preached "the WORD" to his anti-white church group is a bigger racist then the Grand Wizard of the KKK. His church gave a lifetime achievement award to "I WANT TO KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE" Muslum Louis Feracaume. Sorry about the spelling, I would rather think about shooting him then think about trying to learn how to spell his name.

    ASSOCIATION through the same church, listening to the same sermons, and believing the same religion where hate was preached every week by this minister. I was always told that you can rate someone by the company that they keep. This guy is a fake and his company is BEYOND questionable.

    Think about that when you go to elect a guy who has no previous background and shows up for president. The last time that happenned was with the "Incredible Mr Limpet" Jimmy Carter as president. Most of you are too young to know that they put this bonehead incharge and the interest rates whent through the roof. To buy a home in the Jimmy Carter era you would pay 18 %+ interest. The interest rates and the inflation during his time were beyond belief. Check your history when "Peanut Boy" tried to rescue hostages in IRAN. He sent Apache Helecopters into the desert and they crashed into each other. His military was unprepared for Desert operations and training.

    The Iranians displayed US soldiers Body Parts and laughed about it. Jimmy "I have no balls" Carter did NOTHING about it.

    Then there is Hillary. She puts her Daughter on TV and says, "Elect my Mom. She will Raise Taxes but we will do alot of things with the money". Why doesn't she say "We are taking you taxes and there is F-cking nothing you can do about it. Then we can have Bill back as the "First Bitch". Interns beware, the BOY wants to be back in town. Viagra sales in the DC area will increase by 400%.

    "Slick Willie" Bill Clinton, a elected president who had no background had the same inability to handle Military operations ans "Peanut Boy" Carter. The Semolia incident where a helecopter was shot down and like Iran, dead American Soldiers were dragged through the streets. Clinton, like Carter, DID NOTHING.

    In 1995, I was Sr. Quality Engineer at McDonnell Douglas Missile Systems on the Tomahawk Cruise Missile program. I am sure you all have heard of the Tomahawk before. The Cruise Missiles that our facility built were quite sucessfull in Desert Storm. Clinton decided to award the Cruise Missile contract to Hughes Aerospace who NEVER built the Tomahawk before. Hughes did not know how to service Depot (Missiles that were out in the Fleet that come back to be refurbished)Tomahawk Cruise Missiles returning from the fleet. Hughes was owned by General Motors, who Clinton was seen meeting with a month before the contract determination. Our plant closed and Hughes tried to build Cruise Missiles, again without any prior experience. Hughes could not build any Cruise Missiles and lost the contact to Raytheon. The Goverment came back to McDonnell Douglas and wanted us to build the Tomahawk Cruise Missile again. By now, all the tooling had been scrapped, people were spread all over the country and the facility was empty. McDonnell Douglas said "Sorry we do not want to restart the facility and be in the Cruise Missile business anymore."

    If there would have been a "911" style attack in mid 1996-1997 time period, there would not have been enough Tomahawk Cruise Missiles to defend the troops or use in an frontal assult. The casualties would have been incredible since the Army would have had to make the initial charge instead of clearing things out with Cruise Missiles. No one knew of this unless you were directly involved on the Tomahawk Cruise Missile program. This is something that was never made public. That is what you get when you elect someone who has no experience with the Military. What do you think Obama or Hillary would do in the same situation?

    That would FOREVER be the last time I would ever vote for a liberal / Democrat! Party affiliation was changed to REPUBLICAN... FOR LIFE.

    I do not know how many ex-military are on this sight. I have been associated with the Military for a lot of years. I do not know any Military who had anything good to say about the Clintons. When Clinton was in office, there was a ball where the Marines were the color guard. Hillary wanted the Marines to wait on tables. Their Command Sergent Major refused to use Marines as waiters. Mrs "Slick Willie" was pissed and tried to get the Sergent Major kicked out of the Marines. She failed.

    We, as voters, will vote in November. Why would the voters want to put a person in charge of the strongest Military in the World who have never been in the Military. Would you want someone to be your boss who has never had anything to do with your work? Would you elect someone to run the country and Military who never has had any Military strategy, combat experience and protocol?

    If Shiek Hussein Obama and Hillary "where are my Marine waiter at " Clinton are one of your choices, you all need to reconsider.

    Enough said. You all know how I am going to vote. Keep these boneheads away from the White House, at all cost.

    Maybe you all should tune in to Jim Quinn at 104.7 FM in the AM, Rush in the afternoon and Hanity around 4PM to get the truth. It's information that would allow you all to make the right choice.

  13. #73
    Senior Member coralcoupe1993's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by One Sweet Day View Post
    I don't want obama or clinton.
    Same. My picks are gone. Either way, those two are not getting my vote. Damn....we need Regan.
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  14. #74
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    I just can't believe that out of 300 million americans, this is who we get to choose from. I personally have never been excited to vote for a candidate, only against one. Of course the last time Reagan ran I was 4. I would've been happy to vote for him.

  15. #75
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coralcoupe1993 View Post
    Damn....we need Reagan.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Aubele View Post
    Of course the last time Reagan ran I was 4. I would've been happy to vote for him.
    Stolen from another thread
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    Quote Originally Posted by SV1000s View Post
    Scientists should clone Reagan...................we have the technology
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  16. #76
    73 2.3 Turbo Pinto map351's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burntire View Post
    Obama or McCain. Humm I will talk the guy who didn't try to introduce legislation to limit Airline Pilots Salary and union rights.

    If it came down to it would you rather have Hilary?
    Hillary is just a little right of JOSEF STALIN......

    She says you will have government health care!
    You will pay for it, you will like it,"comrade"
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  17. #77
    Senior Member coralcoupe1993's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    Stolen from another thread
    \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

    Not stolen...just common knowlege.
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  18. #78
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Hillary is just plain evil, obama has been taught to be a racist , imagine if a republican candidate had the same religous backround as obama, he would have been hung by the mainstream leftwing media. McCain is not a true conservative, more so a middle of the road guy who has to many liberal friends like hillary, the kennedys and fiengold to name a few.. Just as Map351 said Newt would make a good candidate but for some reason we can't seem to get a true conservative nominated, have not had one since Reagan.
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

    General Douglas McArthur

  19. #79
    I watched Fox News lastnight. They interviewed people from Rev Hate Monger's church. Every Black person that was interviewed on the news felt the Pastor was 100% right. I have not seen the Pastor anywhere issuing an apology. So when is Rev Racist going to apologise? We know we will never see an apology from him.

    Obama will suffer from this like Gary Hart did when the Donna Rice picture went out. The SEED has been planted. He screwed his own pooch through association.

    Ex KKK Wizard David Duke was chastised by Black and ethentic groups. They did not want a racist as president who had been influenced by the KKK Hate Mongers.

    What is the difference between Obama's church and the KKK? The KKK does not sing.

    So now you have Obama, who wants to be president and who has been influenced over the years by the Reverend Hate Monger (and I would bet MANY MORE RACIST) !

    So do you all want a president who is swayed by his association with racist groups and has been spoon fed hate over the years by Rev Dickhead? Everyone said NO to David Duke. Why would you all say YES to Obama?

    GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION...Enough Said. Make a difference and keep this guy out of the White House.

  20. #80
    Senior Member coralcoupe1993's Avatar
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    I saw the interviews as well. I am really let down by the people they spoke with.
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