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Thread: stay away from qa1 k member

  1. #1
    performance red = orange orangemachine's Avatar
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    stay away from qa1 k member

    Just some advice for those who have a new edge 99-04 and are thinking about getting a tubular k member. I recently bought a qa1 k member with spring perches hoping that I would be lighter in the front end and would have easy access to header bolts. However, there were a lot of headaches that I ran into. All in all, I would not recommend this product.


    -this k member pushed out my stock front a arms resulting in my 04 17x9 cobra rims to stick out an inch past the wheel well. Result: steamroller. It limits what wheels you can put on. (I had redo the whole front suspension and put fox body arms on. Those even made puting in springs a real pita)

    -this k member does not line up with the motor mount bolts and knubs. The motor sat uneven resulting in my steering shaft rubbing my longtubes. Result: out of control vibrating steering wheel. (I had to cut out an extra hole in the k member mount area so the motor knub would fit in correctly)

    -this k member puts your caster way out of wack. I went to get my alignment and my caster was around + 5.5-6. Even with caster/camber plates, the lowest I got down to was +4.8. Result: harder steering and rubbing away my inner lining.

    Thanks qa1.

    So many headaches which is so unworth it. I have read elsewhere that others have had the same problems. Hopefully this will help out at least one person... or a few.

    Stay away from qa1.

    QA1 =
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  2. #2
    Clean mineralrob's Avatar
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    wow sounds like a lot of work.thanks for the heads up

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  3. #3
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Yeah, they are the worst things you can do. I did mine and took it back out after a 5 minute evaluation. It came out and the old one back in in 2 hours.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  4. #4
    Hangin' with my toddler. Silverhatch's Avatar
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    I'd love to lighten the frontend of the Yorkslut. I thought QA1 was the way to go??

  5. #5
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luxurysportscar View Post
    I'd love to lighten the frontend of the Yorkslut. I thought QA1 was the way to go??

    Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!! On a Fox, it kicked my wheels forward 1" and the bottom out 1". I was flipping out when I dropped the car. Tried to compensate with the CC plates but then it was rubbing the fender lip. So while I was talking to Purestock on the tele, I took it out and out the stocker back in. The member looked bad ass in there but it was nowhere near useful.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  6. #6
    Hangin' with my toddler. Silverhatch's Avatar
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    What k members out there actually work then? It seems no matter what the brand, its a crap shoot as to if they're gonna fit right or not. Whats Pure stock running, if one at all?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Ares's Avatar
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    I run the QA1 and had same issue. Went to get it aligned and guy eyeballed it and said no way in hell. I ended up taking the sn95 arms off and using foxbody arms and a bolt on 1"spacer. QA1 + SN95 arms equal about 3/4" too long per side. QA1 + Fox arms = about 1.5" shorter per side (thats why stock type wheels rub liner on inside at full lock) Also had to trim about an inch off the each end of steering rack so tierod ends could be adjusted properly. Wheels are tucked in slightly but it works good.

    I would not use QA1 again though. Just to much BS involved. If I get time I would swap it for a PA racing, AJE or UPR.
    Last edited by Ares; 03-30-2008 at 10:13 AM.
    2012 Ram 2500 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, leveled, 35" tires
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  8. #8
    performance red = orange orangemachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ares View Post
    I would not use QA1 again though. Just to much BS involved. If I get time I would swap it for a PA racing, AJE or UPR.
    05 F150 STX - work
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  9. #9
    performance red = orange orangemachine's Avatar
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    Wick and Ares: it's a shame that both of you and myself had to go through the trouble and headaches of this k member. I would really like to give the designer a piece of my mind... and fist.
    05 F150 STX - work
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  10. #10
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by orangemachine View Post
    Wick and Ares: it's a shame that both of you and myself had to go through the trouble and headaches of this k member. I would really like to give the designer a piece of my mind... and fist.
    Yes, I understand. It says its designed to be a replacement part and work with stock stuff. They failed to mention that "Stock" stuff is their "Stock" stuff. HAHAHA
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  11. #11
    Kickin it Old School somethingclever's Avatar
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    I should also add that orangemachine's car was paralled and squared to within 1/8" when we put the k-member in. Even after this he still had all those problems.

    I would never recommend QA1 to anyone.

    Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................

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  12. #12
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    wow, thats crazy, i have never seen that many problems, i guess maybe there stuff is going down hill??? they used to be creme of the crop!!
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  13. #13
    Senior Member 87notch's Avatar
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    I had the same problems and ended up selling it.

  14. #14
    Member DING's Avatar
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    I have used QA1 in the past. The only thing I will say is I wont buy another one.

    I have a Team Z Motorsport K-Member now and it is great. Look into one. A link to there site is listed in my sig. Good Luck

  15. #15
    performance red = orange orangemachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DING View Post
    I have used QA1 in the past. The only thing I will say is I wont buy another one.

    I have a Team Z Motorsport K-Member now and it is great. Look into one. A link to there site is listed in my sig. Good Luck
    Do you get spring perches with this k member or are you using coil overs? Did you run into any problems with this k member?
    05 F150 STX - work
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    "If you want something done right, do it yourself"

  16. #16
    Senior Member Ares's Avatar
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    What I do like about the QA1 is the main hope is very strong. I can jack up my car off it and it does not flex. I ran a D&D setup on my '00 GT and didnt have any of the issues the QA1 has but it was lighter and the main hope did flex when jacked on center. Plus the whole grinding the stock arm bolts built in washer in one spot so its even with hex on head to fit in the QA1 I thought was odd and it was done like that on purpose.

    Course one good thing can't offset the nightmare it is.
    2012 Ram 2500 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, leveled, 35" tires
    2004 Mustang GT - Comp Orange/5speed Best 1/4 11.94@113.64, 1/8 7.59@89.48, 1.57 60' - Best 60' 1.51, just a NA 2v

  17. #17
    Senior Member Jivepepper's Avatar
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    I have an UPR K-member, with their A-arms and coilovers, it fits well.
    665/540 New times coming
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    DYNO VID --->

  18. #18
    Member DING's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by orangemachine View Post
    Do you get spring perches with this k member or are you using coil overs? Did you run into any problems with this k member?
    No problems with the Team Z k-member. I am running coil over though. I want to say that Dave makes a spring perch setup. You could call and ask.

  19. #19
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DING View Post
    I have used QA1 in the past. The only thing I will say is I wont buy another one.

    I have a Team Z Motorsport K-Member now and it is great. Look into one. A link to there site is listed in my sig. Good Luck
    Yep, definitely call Team Z.
    I've had a D&D and my brother has a PA racing. The D&D was a pain to install and did not improve header clearence much. The PA is very nice and I have nothing but good to say.
    I have a Team Z now. He originally bought another companies K to use on mine but after not being satisfied ended up making his own which he now sells.
    I'm not sure on the spring perch, but he offers some nice options others don't have (hoops and mounts for tie straps---awesome for a trailered car).
    Check out

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