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Thread: why do threads get locked on here every time i post?

  1. #1
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    Question why do threads get locked on here every time i post?

    I've never been on a forum that is so overbearing. You can't even have a grown up debate because everyone gets butt hurt. I just don't get it. I mean i don't know pure stock or gm killer but they bust my balls and i don't care, it's all in fun. Just some old fashion car guy smack talk as far as i'm concerned and nothing to get bent out of shape about. I understand everyone has their clicks so obviously if us guys from huntingdon get on here talking smack, you guys from down there are going to fire back and that's cool. your friends are nut swingers, our friends are nut swingers... everyone loves to race, and obviously we are all competitors so why are all these threads getting locked. i'm tired of all the posts getting deleted, and threads being locked for no reason. If they are getting locked out because someone is complaining, then send those whiners into their own 13yr old and under forum where they can talk about pillows and flowers. Am I the only one who feels like posting in this place is like walking on thin ice... it's a wonder the entire forum gets filled with b/s threads about the last time someone went to the bathroom. I have no doubt that we all would get along in person.
    Last edited by billyNOTnice; 04-06-2008 at 02:54 PM. Reason: forgot to add
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

  2. #2
    Clean mineralrob's Avatar
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    sorry to here that. I mYself kinda stear away from the more serious debates cause its usually ends up getting out of control. I like to bs about cars and thats it. I feel like this is one of the better forums that i go on. Hopefully everything works out for you.

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  3. #3
    ILLBEATU fastfox91's Avatar
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    its all in good fun, i love talkin shit as far as cars go!

  4. #4
    Tripedalist yeahloh95's Avatar
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    i like talking it too and i agree in person, i think everyone would get along .
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  5. #5
    Hangin' with my toddler. Silverhatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mineralrob View Post
    sorry to here that. I mYself kinda stear away from the more serious debates cause its usually ends up getting out of control. I like to bs about cars and thats it. I feel like this is one of the better forums that i go on. Hopefully everything works out for you.

  6. #6
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    LOL millcreek i dont think it got closed because of you exclusively....
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  7. #7
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    sorry i did make it sound kind of like that. I didn't mean to say i closed the thread, i just ment to say every thread i find interesting get's shut down lol.
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

  8. #8
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
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    I have never closed or edited one of your threads or posts. I have been a little(a lot actually) more lenient than I used to be. I understand that nobody wants to post on a forum that is hyper patrolled. Can you give me some examples of what threads/posts have been closed?
    LeMans Blue Z06

  9. #9
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Well Billy, I am kinda on your side here. There is nothing wrong with an argument on the net. Nothing in life is perfect, thats why we argue. It keeps for a healthy relationship. I guess its like China, we are told what to do. HAHAHAHAH Oh well.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  10. #10
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by u1arunit View Post
    I have never closed or edited one of your threads or posts. I have been a little(a lot actually) more lenient than I used to be. I understand that nobody wants to post on a forum that is hyper patrolled. Can you give me some examples of what threads/posts have been closed?

    Mark, I think the one in mention is the one about Purestock tearing his car down. It turned into entertainment and got locked down.
    1 Monte SS. White.

    Banned dates
    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  11. #11
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    u1arunit, there are specific threads that I am talking about but i'm not trying to bring up more conflict over old shit. I was already banned here once because shit got out of control, and i'm not trying to go there again. however i can remember clearly a thread you posted in here not to long ago freaking out at that one kid with the flamethrower paint job mustang TTT'ing his threads, and going off the deep end. i'm not saying it was locked, but i do think lynching someone over something so stupid is a bit obsurd.
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

  12. #12
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    I think this is a great site, but being totally honest. I don't feel like i can come on here and post freely without thinking well i'm gonna get banned over that one.. or wonder if my post got deleted because i stated an opinion.
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

  13. #13
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    Their house, their rules? Sick fox!

  14. #14
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    I do agree. Smack talk can be alot of fun when people know how to take it. BS has a Smack talk thread that was tons of fun for a while. Once people get it out of their system it seems like there are less meaningless posts in each thread. Although thats whats really nice about having a shout box too. You can actually talk to people who are on. I agree that SCS is a great site, just two things that would be nice to add. Nothing wrong with some friendly competition. Heck might light a fire under some peoples butts to get things done.

  15. #15
    Big Daddy gmkillr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MillCreekMafia View Post
    I've never been on a forum that is so overbearing. You can't even have a grown up debate because everyone gets butt hurt. I just don't get it. I mean i don't know pure stock or gm killer but they bust my balls and i don't care, it's all in fun.

    You must have me confused with somebody else, I have never posted ANYTHING about you. I have never busted your balls or said anything negative or positive about you on the internet or in real life. Where are you getting this from? I see things like this..... I won't say anything on the computer that I wouldn't say right to somebody's face, good or bad.
    I expect people to treat me the same way. Im not saying you, im just saying people on the internet in general. Know what i'm saying? Don't call me a pu*** on the internet cause I gaurentee someone wouldnt say it to me if we were hanging out at some nuetral location.:D
    Corvette Z06

    Growing up.............Not everyone does it!

  16. #16
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    I posted you because you were the one posting 1990's E-thug images in pure stocks thread. and you posted it after my crack at purestock. so i assumed i was included in the thug nation. You however are talking about another subject that makes me laugh... why does everyone online act like they are the shit? I don't know where these guys come from or what they may or may not be capable of, but I would go as far to advise them and anyone else for that matter not to assume that the person on the other end of the computer couldn't give them the beat down of their life. I'd say "Do onto others as you would want others to do onto you" would be a better choice of forum guidlines.
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

  17. #17
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBH View Post
    Their house, their rules? Sick fox!
    you hit the nail on the head. and it basically amounts to if i don't like it leave... but i'm not trying to put down the site, i'm just saying if nobody ever points out things that bothers them, nobody will ever know the things to try to improve on. thanks for the compliment by the way.
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MillCreekMafia View Post
    you hit the nail on the head. and it basically amounts to if i don't like it leave... but i'm not trying to put down the site, i'm just saying if nobody ever points out things that bothers them, nobody will ever know the things to try to improve on. thanks for the compliment by the way.
    I agree with you on that, and I'm not sure about what you're talking about, but some things are better left unsaid. Constructive and cruel aren't one in the same. I hate seeing little things drive people away from a community.

    With that said, your cobra has to be wild with that HP set up on there

  19. #19
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    :) it was wild before... the T-76 should be even better :)
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MillCreekMafia View Post
    :) it was wild before... the T-76 should be even better :)
    T76?? thats awesome!

    Sorry for the hijack!

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